Super Mega Mod Install Day?

Hey guys,

I have a pile of parts laying around my house that I need to get installed, so I was thinking, perhaps some of the guys in the NECC have stuff around the house they haven’t installed as well.

Anyone interested in a day where we can all get together and help each other install some mods on our cars? I’m going to have this Sunday off, so we could do it this weekend, or next weekend, etc.

I’ve got an unopened case of beer ready, and I’ll buy the pizza… :E

ill come give you a hand if you need it!! :partyman:

i have my triathalon that day so no dice but that is my 18th bday

Ill help you out.

sunday sounds good for me 2 i gotta screw around with something.

I have pullies and subframe spacers to put in. Might be a good idea. What kinds of tools you have?

wahoo! I got sunday off too! I’ll help! well, more or less watch and observe…but I can be that extra guy holdin’ the tools or running around passin’ around the drinks :drinkers:

If I’m able to I’ll try to come out. I have a bunch of suspension that’s going to need installation in a few weeks. :E

I have a torque wrench and basic hand tools - but I could borrow my grandma’s compressor, which means we’d have an impact gun and a ratchet. I guess I could also bring jackstands.

So, if Sunday is cool with everyone, where would we do this? :smiley:

Damn only if i was not working i would be there. However these things always end up at 6 people drinking beer and hasseling the one guy working on his car. :partyman:

you’re grandma has power tools?? damn man, my granny only had kitchen tools, frying pans, crock pots, roasters and spatula’s!! :slight_smile:

I’ve got a 1/2" electric impact too. I love that thing!! :E

Perhaps if we ask really really nicely, we could use Cali’s facility and tools and pay them hard cash for the space/time?

Hell, I’d pay for the Cali Auto Banner to be made up for the NECC! :smiley:

(And yes, I know insurance regulations won’t let us do it. :))

SO, right in the middle of drinking myself stupid, I was wondering if anyone wants to do this on sunday before the NECC meet?

Is Destro’s open on the weekend? I have a shitload of stuff to install on the car, and I’d like to get some of it done before DTP Edmonton. I’ll buy beer and pizza for anyone who helps. :smiley:

Wow, is it ever hard to type properly when you’re sloshed - I guess the backspace key is my friend tonight. :E

Desro’s is open 7 days a week!! I think its 9am - 9 or 10pm nightly

Nice…good to know.

I won’t be there though, I got roped into a fcking family reunion that I don’t want to go to. I’ll be back in time for the Sunday meet, but WTF. All my plans are now fcked for DTP. :frowning: