Just moved to Lockport from the DC area


It seems to me that you are trying to brag without looking like you are. It all started with "heavily modified " then

“My fiance is from two of the most prominent families in Upstate NY, thus their many connections should help me find a job easily.”

“My fiance’s parents have a guest house and offered to let us live there for free. It sure beats the $1500+ a month rent I was paying to live in a gated community in the DC area!”

“My main sponsor wants me to work on my suspension and body work first before I add more power. Once I get my racing license, I will be receiving a complete racing engine courtesy of one of my sponsors.”

I like to judge people by their personality and not who they know or what they have or what they imply. It is people like you that made me leave DC. Everyone trying to have more than the next guy. Trying to impress everyone they meet. The embassy parties, political bullshit, all of it.

I think you are in for a real wake up in this area…

EDIT: What gated community did you live in for $1500.00 month ?


exactly. hence my use of the word pretentious