Read this cardomain page :bowrofl:
wow that should be added to my ricer thread
friends of yours???
ya sure!
the lumina it just going tooooooo far, and it has porno red interior lol
I’m speechless.
i seen it was edit buy shelby!
Here’s a good one too, right from good ol’ pittsburgh:
I think I crashed ironcitystreet streaming video of Chaz’s mustang. LOL.
Looks like you and your car would fit in with them.
shelby, u should join High Velocity Racing team
Didn’t he found it?
Neons and Celicas and V6 Camero’s…Oh my!
LOL the one skinny white guy looks like hes rolling at the table of subway :greddy:
plus anyone that tries to sell t-shirts with pictures of cars w/ unpainted bumpers is very very confused
Exceeded bandwith!
Damn, you guys crashed this site. :finger2:
I wanted to check it out.
“With a custom grill and a modified intake, he has demonstrated that he has great talent and well be a great assit to the team” :kekegay: :greddy: :hitit:
that’s what happens when you have shitty ass geocities webspace.