Just upgraded my pc....

i’m just messing with ya man. its pretty cool, and I’m always glad to see AMD guys find the light :wink:

Multiple instances of CAD, comcheck, trace and usually I leave firefox open all day.

right on :tup: Got the same processor and love it :slight_smile: it really does scream especially if you’re using software that takes advantage of it (or do alot of multitasking).

I have yet to see the machine get held up, except for disk access.

oh, and you will want another gig of memory as well. Don’t bother with 2 (unless you want to) because 32bit os’s, from my understanding, can only handle 4… but due to other bus’s and v-ram, it will only see part of the 4th GB, if any at all.

with my 512mb video card, it’s only giving me 3.25gb of available system memory. On a regular basis, my memory usage is between 25% and 52%… just fyi. Why limit yourself when memory is so cheap?

Well obviously then you would utilize more resources…I dont run can…and when I begin rendering video I will probably drop another GB into it.

Most of that stuff doesn’t work with vista yet anyway. I know 3dsmax still has some issues as does NX (which sucks… but hopefully it’ll be ironed out soon)

:tup: on the processer, running it myself.

More ram will do you well tho.

Eh… I was anti-vista for a while. First SP rule et al. However, I took the leap on Vista Prem (was cheap), and I’m not too disappointed. A few nice features.
I’m really enjoy MCE extended to the XBox.

I’ve got the same think coming, only i’m getting the q6700 with g0 stepping coming soon. I also enjoy vista. It’s my main os, however as you’ll read below, i still use xp for games (HD3870 vista driver is crap right now, plus in games like crysis i get a solid 10fps increase)

had 4gb in vista ultimate (got with last years bundle) and it actually performed worse then with 2gb. The intel things are nice starting points though. Since then i’ve upgraded the motherboard, i have 2x320GB in raid0 and 2x160GB in raid0, and a single 80gb hdd, tri-booting vista ultimate 32, 64, and xp right now. Once i get the server case and another hdd or 2, ubuntu and possibly macosx86 are going to find there way into my list.

cant wait to get the new motherboard to finish my htpc. and the q6700 is going to be a nice increase from last years e6300.

I’m pretty sure, make that really sure, he didn’t get the monitor with the deal.

Lol I was gonna post that too. :slight_smile:


^ Word… Looks like a basic computer to me…