Just when you think lowlifes can't get any lower...

Only way possible. How else can they provide immidiate aid? Should we round them up in camps and wait months while we sort out the paperwork? Logiosticaly the debit cards were the BEST and ONLY option

They knew it was coming they had tme to get out they didnt, i feel bad for the honest people who couldnt (elderly/disabled) but theres no reason that able body individuals stayed there. The people have insurance to cover there lost homes, and those that dont have insurance are fucking stupid for not living in a city built below sea level, its not like they never had a hurricane before.

If you were below the poverty line, as a great MAJORITY of NO residents are, you might now have the funds or means to leave the city, and if you did where would you go. its easy for you to say when you have a car, a home, etc. This devistation hit an already poor area, where residents didn’t likely have the means/money to just pack up the old SUV and drive to gramma’s like we would.

You need to stop being so one sided and step the fuck back. I agree only a small percentage is taking advantage of the system, but if they made it so the system wasnt able to be taken advantage of then there wouldnt be the problem. Telling me i am ignorant and stupid is a classic comeback for someone who is so one sided on a subject that they cant accept others opinions and that makes you the ignorant one.

Your view of the situation is closeminded, I agree the system isn’t perfect, but there werent any other options and what was done is best for the people. YOU stated they deserve no help? that they are all abusing the system and looking for handouts? I think not, sure some are, but most are probably going to go through 2 g’s in a few weeks, and hopefully have friends or family to rely on

focusing on the looters, and the abuse of the debit cards, does nothing but anger a racist ignorant white public who likely don’t donate to relief efforts anyways


Now, i don’t agree or disagree with each of these quotes persay. But Jack, Do You see the pattern…?



The pattern being:

lol, yea, hence the “faster…”

yeah because instead of saving their money and buy a home outside of the city/or a car, they buy 800 purses

After all that hard work quoting…

I can only speak for myself. If most of the effected areas were poverty stricken… or homeless… whatever, I dislike most of those people anyways. My personal experience with bums and poor people is that they are worthless pieces of shit. This is just my personal experience and is only my opinion. The people on TV stealing TVs and jewelry are the people I hate. The color of their skin does not matter at all. When I say those people, maybe its too general… but I mean “those people causing all the problems” I am obviously not referring to black people. White people are the miniority down there, not the blacks.

I stand by my statement that the debit cards were a dumbass idea. Why put limitations on the cards like alcohol and firearms… and leave it at that? How hard is it to add a few other items to the list? Leave it up to the stores discretion… maybe my list would look like this -
Luxury/Jewelry Items (gay $800 purses, bling chains, ball caps, Air Jordans)
Clothes not from Salvation Army/Amvets
food that is not necessary (oreos, donuts, cakes)

Of course the list could use some tweaking… but I’m not a politician so there is no way I can make a logical list of things to receive or not receive with these cards.

Now cause this took me so long to type, let me read all the stuff you guys added in the meantime so I can make additions.

that’s true for 90% of americans. why do you think the middle class is so large?

It WAS alot of quote work. :smiley:

This reminds me of agry racists like Rev J. Jackson and Al Sharpton. I wonder what they contributed…

no really though… I’m curious

We should just hand out debit cars to all homeless people every few months regardless of how they lost their home, right? I mean these people in Louisiana and Mississippi were below poverty level to begin with so why not help all the poor throughout the nation? There are people much worse off than those getting these debit cards and they don’t get shit.

You, sir, have found the major flaw in this particular political band-aid. :tup:

My statement from a week or so ago still stands, “This whole situation has been handled horribly, regardless of the causes”.



These people have been homeless for decades… not a week. They better get 10k… and they should be able to purchase alcohol with it… they are bums for christ sake…

I agree. But how do you handle it it right way? Especially when time is not on your side. Nothing can get planned out.

Akron/ Clarence donated a semi full of clothes and food. The truck fuel was paid for by the driver, Mr C*** ( a friend of mine) the traielr was donated by Perry’s Ice Cream of Akron… there was a day long wait to even get to an unloading station… cars upon cars were in line trying to donate this stuff. The only people doing any work were the volunteers… not evacuees. I know from people with first hand experience… the people getting the help aren’t helping themselves and it kills me. Only because friends and family have wasted time/money to help these people. I have donated, but they were not cash donations. I refuse to give these people cash. I can’t imagine what MrC*** was thinking when he saw a limited amount of poeple available to unload and direct the donation drop off… he of course couldn’t leave his truck… it probably would have been looted… but the people wearing the clothes (most of which were brand new) were too busy sorting through it looking for name brands, items they haven’t stolen from Walmart yet…


I :heart: "Help those who are willing to help themselves. "

If I knew, You would have all voted me into office by now.
But seriously, it doesnt have to be handled the ‘right way’ just better. …I don’t mean just the gov’t either.

Probably not…
Remember Bush got re-elected.
