K20 swap and everyone that is butt hurt from it...

What I want to know is who’s cock you got to smoke to be 19 years old and spend that kind of money on cars.

20K L-M-A-O.

sean got pwned by Jelly Butters!!! aaaaaahahahahaha

ATTN: Sean

run away naow to avoid the embarassment.

Word!! :popc:

jelly butters wont be back until atleast tomorrow at the earliest :thumbup

you KNOW he’s gonna whine about that…

Ha no ownage you muscle headed freak

and hell go bye bye for a week then

butthurt much?

Not really but your posts are of epic fail lately

if by fail u mean the way u failed out of school, then yes, i fail. :hug

Wow. Sick wire tuck. So much room in that engine…
