ka rad and sr piping lead to overheating?

Im using a ka rad and sr piping (until the griffin is fixed). I drove it today and the coolant overflow is going mad shooting out coolant. My question is if my piping goes from up to down will that add air bubbles? Do people use dodge neon piping on their ka rads for sr because thats the only rad piping that works? Ill add a picture later of the rad and piping. The heat gauge however never goes to H which i find werid but the overflow is getting really hot and alot of fluid is being shot into it and from then onto the ground because of the force. Any ideas? I’m using this very temp until i can get a sr Rad or until the griffin is fixed. The thing thats really wierding me out is that the car temp needle never goes to H

jus wondering, can you use 2 90 degree elbows and 1 long pipe to attach the ka rad to the sr?
I’m talking about the upper rad hose connection

that is how I did mine… quite a few people do it :wink:

yeah i just figured out that was the best way.

If your temp isnt going up and your coolant is overflowing you could potentially have a head gasket problem.

shitty… The temp gauge is going up but to like a little over half and once to 3/4. I have a big front mount and the ac rad thing that i have to remove i believe. I think its that the rad isnt getting much air. Has this happened to anyone else.

also can you explain the headgasket problem relating to the gauge not going to hot??

S14 SR or S13 SR ???

Are you running the clutch or electric fan??

Is it over heating at idle? cruising? highway? All the time? sometimes?

im running s13 sr and an electric fan. overheats on the highway, seems to when i drive for a bit to. When i put the heat on while driving the temp sensor goes in the middle but i pop the hood and its like shooting coolant into the overflow and steaming. Randomly the car will take about 6-7 cranks before it starts. Is this a potential head gasket problem?

fuck i think its a head gasket problem. I shall go get leak down test tomorrow.

show us pics of your hose connections

if you aren’t boosting, you shouldnt have overheating problems just cruising around…

if you are boosting… well then its no wonder, what with two more heat exchangers in front of your radiator…

its a stock sr20 running 7psi im going to take a pic right now

I think it might be that no air can get to the rad because of the size of the intercooler plus the ac condenser thing is also blocking it?





FMIC, puller fan with no shroud <- shroud will help control your cooling air.

stronger fans? Ford tarus style? my suggestion…

I had the same problem
the needle jus jumps after I get off the highway and even with my dual e-fans kicking in, it the temp doesn’t come down…I removed my thermostat and ever since then, the temp needle remains just below the 3rd notch…not sure if you want to do this though as people have said you’re not truly solving the problem, but then again, I put in a random thermostat

think the problem is fixed. Took off the a/c condenser and it doesn’t seem to go over half now. Gonna rebleed the whole system just to be safe though.

was the condensor filled with debris/bugs/crap?

yes it was full of alot of dust, debris ect ect. Doesn’t seem to go over half now. I will take it for a longer drive tommorow just to be sure,

not good to do captain , thermostat does alot of things , not just holding pressure inside your cooling system to make heat for the heater and so on, but the pressure that keeps it in the motor makes the coolant reach all the little corners and the low flow spots in the engine , when u dont have a thermostat u could potentially create hot spots inside the engine and blow a head gasket , find out what nissan part number it is and buy a oem thermostat , aftermarket ones tend to suck poopie

Preach on! Word of wisdom right there. Get a thermostat in ASAP.