Ka wiring harness connecter

Hi i’ve just got my sr ready to crank, i just need the ka dash connecter, the white one thats on the engine wiring harness, and connects to the dash connecter. tell me how much you want for it, or if anyone has a ka wiring harness for sale i will buy it.

preferably in toronto

forgot to mention its an s13 harness that i need

i have an engine harness mine has a brown one that connects to the dash though if you want the harness $20

there different,


brown connector = SOHC chassis
White Connecto = DOHC Chassis

they dont plug into each other either

Well my car was originally sohc so yea i will deff buy it. sent you a pm

i think i got them reverse…if u have a white plug, u want the white plug connector, if u have the brown plug u want th ebrown connector for it… mah bad…pretty much you want to color match

yea i know now, i went all the way to oshawa to get it and it was the wrong one. but i found another connecter that fit.