
I talked to a few people last night who would be interested in setting up a tourney. I’m thinking this saturday (9/2) or sunday (9/3).

I know there are a bunch of ultimate frisbee players on here, who plays kan-jam?

Post up if you’re interested.

ill pass but i did get it in the slot 2 week ends ago for an auto win

kan-jam do what?

i can do all sorts of things.

i know. im lame.

Kan-Jam is the shit, my high school science teacher invented it so we played it in Gym all the time…fuckin hippies

i have it in my backyard right now…COME PLAY DON UR CLOSE

table tennis > kan jam > pickle ball.

These things sell like MAD. They also provide the perfect thing to block the register so people don’t see you and they go to another. :snky:




whats kan jam… i suck with a frisbee?

i know what pickle ball is

id be down and i already have a partner


Sunday looks like its gonna be 70 and sunny. Perfect kan-jam weather :tup:

woooo where do I sign up.

I’m soo there…ya only need one hand…and you guys seen my sweet friabee skillz at the BBQ lol. Jack & Silvergtp are really good.

i may be in if nothing is happening on sunday

just let me know when and where.

FUccckk… i’ve been dying to play some frisbee…

i’m better at frisbee than … BOOM! HEADSHOT!'ing…

dammit… have to work

i play in the tourney every year at the fire hall in nt

im in, i won 2 tournys so far :tup:

alrighty. so I call silvergtp as my partner.

I won eleventy tourneys so far… and I’m better than Brosh