Katie Smacking up ppl At Disney?

All I could think about when I heard it on the news.I’m sure there are many tiggers down there tho.

Kid looks like he deserved it. Who wears gloves in florida?

Vids http://www.local6.com/news/10685989/detail.html

i wana see the mugshot of tigger

after watching that…ummm… hes playing around with him. what a pussy. he is gona get his ass kicked when kids in his school find this vid. fucking bitches. they look at disney and se $$$$. thats alll im looking at outa this

The arm lock looks to me like tigger was pissed about something that douche boy was doing. Just beacause someone dresses up in orange fur for a living doesn’t mean they should be given shit all day from some douchebag with cutoff sleeves.

Ha, that definitely wasn’t me! I’m too short to be Tigger :wink:

Anyway, I don’t know the Cast Member in question, but I can tell you that characters DO NOT under any circumstances hit a guest for no reason. Some people believe that he was trying to undo the back of his costume, and to be honest with you, when I watch the interview of the Dad and Son, it doesn’t seem truthful. They’re honestly full of it, and I think the son did something to provoke Tigger.

the son was definately doing something behind his back…and he has a stupid smerk on his face the whole time…then the interview with the father and son…what a crock. the dad looked like he was reciting his lines, by the way he asked “how hard did he hit you?”…and that hit was weak…just looking for money imo.

I was just watchin fox news cause i like comedy late in the morning and they were reporting on this. From what they said the kid was pulling on tiggers neck where he coulden’t breathe. Figures, most likely the guy will lose his job and the kid will get money for pain and suffering…

what a little pussy

looked like tigger stumbled and tryed to catch himself on the kids face

after watching that video… ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME. diaf, stupid money hungry bastards

yeah i also thought he stumbled a little, but that arm lock is a little suspicious, i don’t know but i just don’t like the kid or his father so they should just go to hell

lol he didnt even hit him that hard. he play brushed his face and the kid does it back. with the padded hands he woulda had to hit him pretty hard

Ultimately, Tigger has the last laugh, because dork boy got to go on TV and prove to the work hes a loser dork…

Was an accident if anything. Look how slow his arm is moving, i’m sure if he was going to hit a guest, he’d make sure he felt it esp when he knows hes on camera. Either he was being strangled or stumbled, and they don’t need to see his face or have him apologize.


Damn, tigger had a smile on his face the whole time. What a ruthless badass.

I watched this thing like 5 times.

The kid was trying to unzip him. tigger tried to stop him with this right arm and the kid wouldn’t let go. tigger then needed his left arm to push the kid away. now, how well can you see out of those costums? I think tigger couldn’t see the kids face and hit him as he was trying to push him away.


something about seeing this mug in a CNN article just makes me giggle

