Anyone have a factory or clymer/haynes repair manual for a Kawasaki ninja 250/500 with a wiring digram in it that I can photocopy? I have this 500ex drive train setup here for a little project and I need to thin out the main harness to only the bare minimums to have the motor run and get a tack/coolant signal to the cluster.
Hard to find anything online that is even remotely legible, let alone accurate.
Hank, I’ll be at the machine shop off broadway in schenectady on monday morning. What time are you in at your place off kings road? I can just swing by there in the morning to pick it up and make some copies.
I actually called some places today and B&N down in Mohawk Commons had one Clymer manual in stock so I ran down there this afternoon and bought it. I appreciate the offer anyway! ;D ;D
Yeah I was bored at home tonight and needed something to tinker with. Nothing like thinning out an electrical harness of all the unneeded crap ;D
Diagonal link…I’m slammed right now here and probably won’t be freed up for at least 3 weeks. Just so many cars and projects I have to attend to first before I can bring anything in, even something simple. I’ve got even more people waiting to drop off their cars/motors but I can only handle and store just so much stuff :runaway