Kawasaki Ninja 500EX manual???

Anyone have a factory or clymer/haynes repair manual for a Kawasaki ninja 250/500 with a wiring digram in it that I can photocopy? I have this 500ex drive train setup here for a little project and I need to thin out the main harness to only the bare minimums to have the motor run and get a tack/coolant signal to the cluster.

Hard to find anything online that is even remotely legible, let alone accurate.


i think i still may have mine. i rebuilt one a year or so ago. i’ll head back to the shop in a few and check for ya.

i got what u need…

i’m headed out possibly to the lot but not sure. i’ll have it with me or u can call me 878 6030.

Hank, I’ll be at the machine shop off broadway in schenectady on monday morning. What time are you in at your place off kings road? I can just swing by there in the morning to pick it up and make some copies.


i can drop it off at hunts at around 2:45 thats about what time i pass there every day.

let me know…


I actually called some places today and B&N down in Mohawk Commons had one Clymer manual in stock so I ran down there this afternoon and bought it. I appreciate the offer anyway! ;D ;D

thats kewl! u could of had mine for free but. i know what it’s like to want to get shit done.

when u want to make my new diagonal link for me … ;D

Yeah I was bored at home tonight and needed something to tinker with. Nothing like thinning out an electrical harness of all the unneeded crap ;D

Diagonal link…I’m slammed right now here and probably won’t be freed up for at least 3 weeks. Just so many cars and projects I have to attend to first before I can bring anything in, even something simple. I’ve got even more people waiting to drop off their cars/motors but I can only handle and store just so much stuff :runaway