Kevin will be happy (Sony in trouble?)

Sony is expecting to close 2008 with a net profit 38% lower than was expected, with the company’s games division actively losing money for the electronics and entertainment giant.

“The Japanese firm’s outlook is bleak,” wrote Forbes, citing a surging Japanese yen as hurting Sony’s ability to export its products. Added to that, currency exchanges favor Korean rivals in consumer electronics, Sony’s bread-and-butter products.
Video games are part of Sony’s problem, as the games division has failed to recoup the PlayStation 3’s $3 billion development cost and hardware losses despite what Forbes refers to as “early 2008 promises of profits.”
Sony’s overall profit tanked in its Q2 (July-September), dropping by half to 73.7 billion yen ($754.9 million)–and 60.7 billion of that yen came from one-time sales of some of its holdings.
“This is just the beginning of a big earnings collapse,” said a Tokyo analyst to Forbes, speaking anonymously. “Given the track record of this company, it will under-deliver all the way.”


Shocking no one wants to pay $50 a DVD

all the overpricing is finally coming to haunt them


Havent they been on a downward spiral for years? Maybe this means we will see a unified console soon.

sony is for FGGTS

Microsoft has to be laughing at this.

lol all of my friends, for the most part, are sony fanboys. Can’t wait to show this to them :stuck_out_tongue:

Ya I hated BluRay. Over priced and way to big.

It just didn’t make sense to me. Both formats had 1080p capabilities with additional features however MS managed to put it on a cheaper and smaller media than sony.

Seriously who the hell needs a 25gb dvd in their home? The gaming market was the only up side to this technology becuase Sony never ran into size issues with their games…just processing power on their weak PS3.

I personally had no problem with HD-DVD. Simple and cheap and great quality.

i almost bought a bluray player last week, then i thought about it.

I ended up downloading the godfather bluray instead, only 50 gigs each, but i just streamed it to my 360.

blueray isn’t bad. the movies look amazing @ 1080p but you’re right, they don’t need to be that big.

especially since 99% of sony games have to be installed on the HDD anyway, it doesn’t make a lot of sense to use storag media that large when 2 DVD’s could do the job just as well. They were probably trying to repeat the sucess that the PS2 had with the bundled DVD drive

streaming it as an AVI/MPG?

no using tversity

I’m loving the sony humpers for sure.
I still enjoyed playing my ps3 while all the xboxiens were sending thier consouls away for a month to fix the rrod.
I also like how they made a big deal about dled content for GTA4 which was a let down.
Or how all the games look better on the ps3 and how its a much more stable system.
Having owned both the ps3 owns the 360. Just like ps2 > xbox

The profit loss is bad news for sony, but until they are losing money (read as negative profits) they arent going to change a thing.

Why the hell would you download a 50 gig movie? I have 1080p movies on my laptop that are only 8gb that are full 1080p with 5.1 sound.

I liked you better when you were banned.

And you are an idiot. The PS2 SUCKED compared to the xbox. Have you played any high frame rate game like Madden? The processing CHOKED on the PS2. Don’t believe me? Get a recent copy it and a PS2 and when you drop back to pass, the recievers and everything slow way down. This doesn’t happen on a xbox.

Compare the Xbox 360 to the PS3 now. Xbox has more potential power and a better online expierence and game selection. PS3 is finally catching up but they are limited to the hardware of it that the newer games are seeing. The only thing PS3 had was it was a glorified BluRay player which judging by the recent articles might not be a big deal anymore.

Also, Xbox 360 is selling everywhere in extremely high numbers in an economic slow down. PS3 is dying and so is Sony. Explain one good thing that play station brough to the gaming world other than Grand Tourismo.

hahaha ur a moron, games DO NOT look better on the ps3 u tard.

boxxa, because its true HD sound, not 5.1

its a true bluray movie, not encoded or recoded. IE-x264

like it or not, MS has a stranglehold in the console market. Between DLC exclusives, taking away exclusive titles from Sony, getting thier own exclusive titles, cheaper comsumer costs and an outstanding community like Live (and making a profit on top of that, despite the rrod issues) there’s no way Sony can compete. Blueray really hurt them

And it was fucking brilliant for MS to not release a BluRay addon to their 360. That was the nail in the coffin pretty much to prevent any life blood getting into Sony.

The ps3 version of games often look less impressive when its a cross platform game. Just karter it seems you are the mis informed one. I would send my 360 to be repaired 10 times before buying another sony console. On top of the graphics, lack of games and inferior live support those controllers are dated, uncomfortable and just all around shitty.


I was a sony fanboy until ps2. Started playing the original xbox and loved it so much better and never looked back. I tried out a PS3 and did not like it. I too would send in a 360 for repairs every month than to have a working PS3 all the time.

My theory is that no one plays PS3 enough to actually break it and over heat it like they play the Xbox 360.

Put a game out that glues millions of people to the system 8-12 hours a day and see how many PS3s burn out. Haha