Kid drowns 1 hour AFTER swimming...

A 10 year old got too much water in his lungs, but functioned perfectly fine for over an hour…then died. the coroner said death was a result of drowning…

ive never heard of that happening, thats fucked up

My fathers cousin died the same way swimming in the Niagara river.

i dont get it…:gotme: so that doctor was saying by swimming or even being in the bath tub you can drink water and it fucks up your lungs? i srsly dont understand this at all…thats like saying “hey! dont drink water, you might die!” maybe im missing something but its fucked up none the less…

if water gets in your lungs. if you dont evacuate it you will not be able to breath and in turn drown.that is why when lifegaurds a save a swimmer they double check that stuff and listen to there breathing. you bitches need to watch tru tv

lolololol tru tv FTW…ok so its “inhaling” water into the lungs…they were making it seem like the kid was drinking the friggn water…everyones done it tho, get that little bit of water in your nose and it burns for a little bit…ok makes more sense now

get just enough water in your lungs and you slowly asphyxiate because your slowly building up co2 in your system

just like having a really big bag taped over your head … might take an hour to die, but you do eventually die

and it probably didnt help that he layed down, allowing the water to cover more surface area in his lungs

I’m not sure about you but my food and drink goes in my stomach when I swallow, not my lungs…

Ding Ding Ding…thats it right there. He layed down. When you lie down if you have fluid in your lungs it allows the liquid to coat the back half of your lungs causing you to drown. When sitting up, it pools to the bottom. Think of it like a pop bottle.

well how the fuck do you get the water out if you dont even feel it

you politely ask it to leave.
