Kieth Olbermann remembers 9/11

Nice numbers.:roll2:
On February 26, 1993, a 1,200-pound bomb in a van exploded in the parking garage beneath the World Trade Center. This was the most destructive terrorist attack carried out on U.S. soil up to that time, killing six people, injuring more than a thousand, and causing half a billion dollars in damage. If the van had been parked a few feet closer to one of the pillars, it could have collapsed an entire tower of the Trade Center, killing tens of thousands.

I guess we shouldn’t fight fires then because fireman can get killed.:stuck_out_tongue:

92/93 my bad

My point was that from the 1st WTC attack until 9/11 there was no attack on american soil…so this “nothing in 5 years” shit is total BS since there was nothing in 8 years

[antijegliberal]and guess who was in office those 8 years [/antijegliberal]

the way you rationalize certain things astounds me. you are like a defense lawyer for a murder case. you KNOW your client killed someone. you KNOW he was in the wrong…but sure as shit you are right there telling me otherwise.

this is starting to veer into an argument that can never be won. to try and argue:
if attacks could be prevented
if they could have been, who does the blame fall on for the biggest disregard
whether or not the past 5 years are terrorist free because the plans have been thwarted or because the attacks werent coming
etc etc etc. we are all mis/un/poorly informed.

everyone who is perfectly happy with this country raise their hand…yeah thats what i thought

“American soil”
A small detail.(?)

So is it OK to get killed by terorists if it is not on American soil?:stuck_out_tongue:

I sound like a lawyer?
That is hitting below the belt.:stuck_out_tongue:

do you want to compare US citizens killed off american soil too? B/c i’m pretty sure the 2900+ killed in the 2 wars we have kicking right now would hurt that argument.

Were the 2900+ killed by terrorist attacks or were they engaged in war?

I was disapointed by his address also

<3 <3 <3 you

Which 2900 are you talking about? I’m not really sure what you’re trying to get at.

You’ve totally avoided my point that there were no attacks on american soil for 8 years between 93 and 2001, showing that going 5 years without an attack is status quo not a major accomplishment in homeland security.

The attack on the WTC had nothing to do with the president. If Gore was in office, It would have happend.

The aftermath and the way everything was handled… well thats something you can debate.

As I have stated before, I DO NOT totaly agree with Bush. Yes I am a conservative, and i have my liberal views as well. Say what you will but this quote was directly made to bash the president. I am not saying he is 100% right in everything he is doing…but I also refuse to believe that he is purposefully ignoreing ground zero, or the sacrifices people made. I guess the fact they they are still clearing debris and making up their mind as to what to do with ground zero has nothing to do with it either?

since we arent just talking about american soil then, your first argument of 5 years without an attack is completely void :gotme:

Taken from

“We tested two alternative defenses to this attack: Peace maker or Toughness,” Morris wrote in a memo for the president. In the “Peacemaker” defense, Morris asked voters to respond to the statement, “Clinton is peacemaker. Brought together Arabs and Israelis. Ireland. Bosnia cease fire. Uses strength to bring about peace.” The other defense, “Tough ness,” asked voters to respond to “Clinton tough. Stands up for American interests. Against foreign companies doing business in Cuba. Sanctions against Iran. Anti-terrorist legislation held up by Republicans. Prosecuted World Trade Center bombers.” Morris found that the public greatly preferred “Toughness.”

So Clinton talked tough. But he did not act tough. Indeed, a review of his years in office shows that each time the president was confronted with a major terrorist attack — the February 26, 1993, bombing of the World Trade Center, the Khobar Towers attack, the August 7, 1998, bombing of U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania, and the October 12, 2000, attack on the USS Cole — Clinton was preoccupied with his own political fortunes to an extent that precluded his giving serious and sustained attention to fighting terrorism.

At the time of the 1993 World Trade Center bombing, his administration was just beginning, and he was embroiled in controversies over gays in the military, an economic stimulus plan, and the beginnings of Hillary Clinton’s health-care task force. Khobar Towers happened not only in the midst of the president’s re-election campaign but also at the end of a month in which there were new and damaging developments in the Whitewater and Filegate scandals. The African embassy attacks occurred as the Monica Lewinsky affair was at fever pitch, in the month that Clinton appeared before independent counsel Kenneth Starr’s grand jury. And when the Cole was rammed, Clinton had little time left in office and was desperately hoping to build his legacy with a breakthrough in the Arab-Israeli conflict. Whenever a serious terrorist attack occurred, it seemed Bill Clinton was always busy with something else.

On August 7, 1998, bombs exploded at U.S. embassies in Nairobi, Kenya, and Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. More than 200 people were killed, including 12 Americans. The morning of the attacks, Clinton said, “We will use all the means at our disposal to bring those responsible to justice, no matter what or how long it takes. . . . We are determined to get answers and justice.”
Investigators quickly discovered that bin Laden was behind the attacks. On August 20, Clinton ordered cruise-missile strikes on a bin Laden camp in Afghanistan and the al-Shifa pharmaceutical plant in Sudan. But the strikes were at best ineffectual. There was little convincing evidence that the pharmaceutical factory, which admin istration officials believed was involved in the production of material for chemical weapons, actually was part of a weapons-making operation, and the cruise missiles in Afghanistan missed bin Laden and his deputies.

I just find it interesting how Clinton kept us so “safe” :bloated:. Good thing there were no attacks on American soil…Oh wait, a US embassy IS American soil!

Rock on, JEG, ROCK ON!! Your counter point is spot on.

is that serious or sarcasm? lol. i am going on 1 1/2 hrs of sleep and im too tired to think.

good thing your source isn’t biased

I absolutly LOVE how you discredit everything someone posts if it has a concervative banner on the site. So this makes it false information does it? What about all the Liberal BS you post. So if it is left wing material its 100% accurate and anything else is false.

That page has some VERY good points.

Um the debris has been gone for quite some time, probably about 3 years or so.