Remembering 9/11/2001...

It’s hard to believe that the attacks on September 11th, 2001 happened 9 years ago already. With that being said, what were you doing when you heard about the attacks?

Share your stories…

Personally, I was in class and a bunch of students got called to the front office and were leaving to go home, and I remember seeing my history teacher crying because she knew a few people that worked in the trade center. They informed us of what had happened and promptly dismissed us from class for that day. I remember watching the news every day for the whole week, still in disbelief at what happened.

Also, I remember how everyone on my street had an American flag fly outside their house after 9/11, now you hardly see anyone doing that…

We just left our port call in Turkey. I worked night shift so I was sleeping when everyone in the berthing area starting going nuts watching the news. I dragged my groggy ass to the tv area and watched in disbelief. I was so out of it that I thought it was a bad dream. Surreal experience.

In regards to American patriotism… It is my opinion that the majority of Americans are whatever is trendy at that moment. Sure the majority were pissed and rightfully so. It’s no longer convenient to be patriotic.

I was running late for the first test in my statistics class. As I was hurrying to get dressed I noticed the tv that was muted in the background with a picture of a smoking building. Then i horrifically watched as a plane crashed into the second one. It is really all a blur, it was so surreal and crazy. My room mate’s father worked in the tower but had missed his flight home the night before and was still on a plane back from CA on business. (John barely breathed until his father called him hours later!) His mother was a nurse at the hospital where the victims of the pentagon where mostly taken. It was a really tough day.

My flag still stands on the front of my house. It was there before and it will remain strong after.

I was on my way to NCCC listening to the edge when then said some plane hit the WTCs. I remember thinking it probably was a 2 seater or something. By the time I walked into the school everyone was watching the TVs. When the 2nd one hit, everyone was like WTF…that day sucked
I remember watching video of them dancing in the streets over seas about that, talk about F’ed up

I was at work and watched the second plane hit on the TV in the break room. It seems like yesterday. :frowning: I just watched a show about 9-11 and was fully nauseated again.

Crammed for a test all night and morning and heard about it around 11:30am. The test was cancelled.

I was leaving my apt. to head to my Tuesday/Thursday 9:25-10:40 Economics clas with Dr. Ratkowski in Bulger Communication Center on the first floor. For some reason I didn’t turn on the tv at my apt as I got ready or the radio or the radio in my car. Get to class and someone mentions at the start of class that a plane hit the WTC and we thought that it was a Sessna or somthing like that. Get out of class and EVERYONE is watching the tv’s in the lobby of the building. Without even yet looking at the tv’s I knew it must be big time shit as the tv’s in the lobby in all my 4 years at Buff State were never on, this was the first time and the only time. What I remember being incredibly aggrivating was the news broadcasts that told you everything they new by about 10:30am just kept spewing the same info over and over and over again to the point that I could have recited the broadcast.

was putting lifters in the big blocks(496 or 8.1L) at GM that morning. Was a long day of work indeed

I was at home getting ready for class when the first plane hit. Had the news on was like WTF?! I said “well, at least they didn’t hit the tower with the tourists in it” trying to spin it positively… then on my way to UB the 2nd plane hit. So much for that. I made it to class just as the TA was writing on the board that classes would be canceled.

We started to hear at UB about Muslim terrorists and when a friend and me were walking back to out cars, a middle-eastern dude took off running when the two of us looked at him the same time. We both said WTF. I then called my Muslim ex-girlfriend (and close friend at the time) to see if she was alright. She was just as in shock as everyone else.

I was in NYC only days earlier with some friends who suggested we do the WTC tour… I told them “nah, it’s over-rated. I’ve done it 3 times.” Needless to say, I’ll be eating those words the rest of my life.

I had just go out of an 8-8:50 class at Buffalo State and walked over to the library to play on the internet. I went over to the Fiero message board and saw a post about a plane flying into the WTC.

I then tried to further investigate by going to the major newsites (CNN, BBC, etc…) but they were so bogged down that it took a bit to find out what was going on. By then, the 2nd plane hit the other tower. After that, I went to go see my now-wife and friends to tell them what was going on.

I still remember walking outside the library doors and I stopped for a minute and looked all-around the quad. It was very apparent in everyone’s faces as to whether they knew what was going on or not. I realized at that moment that it was going to be a life-changing day.

I was in 7th grade, in social studies class. I think the first plane crash was announced over the PA and everyone was mortified. Then the second was announced along with the pentagon. The class fell silent.

I remember going to the next class and my teacher in tears, saying “I hate to think of a world where my children and students can’t be safe”. I later went home and and just watched the aftermath in horror. My friends father worked in the Pentagon but I guess he was alright.

The next year we took our class trip to DC and saw the pentagon damage from the freeway.

I was a senior at Hamburg High. We were in art class when another teacher rushed into the room to tell our teacher that a plane had crashed into the WTC, then she came back to tell us one had hit the Pentagon. I, being the only non-american in the room, seemed to be the only one who reacted to this news at the time. It was kind of disgusting actually. Once we got out of that class, TVs had already been set up in every other room and the auditorium. They didn’t send anyone home unless your parents requested it.

To this day I can’t understand how no one else’s heart sank when they heard what was happening…

I remember being in class and an announcement was made over the PA system about the first plane. It caught everyone off guard and there was quite a bit of confusion. I think for the remainder of the day we just watched the TV since each classroom had one. Shortly after they turned them on, I watched the 2nd plane hit. I distinctly remember at that point the news anchor just being taken back by the realization then that it was a planned attack and not just a mistake. It’s sad to see that we’re not even 10 years past it and most people have simply forgotten and moved on.

i was 8. homeschooled so i was sitting in the living room doing my school work. my dad called my mom from work and told us what he heard on the radio. we turned the tv on and just sat there and watched in silence.

I was sitting in history class as all teaching stop and they rolled a TV into the class room, so we could “watch history as it unfolds” I never seen the planes actually hit intill replays days later as I didn’t really never em brassed what happed right away

spell-checked. <3

WOW I that was bad

I was at my first job at Taylor-Pohlman Inc, since i had just graduated high school that spring. I went out for a smoke break (because i was still a dirty smoker) and came back in to a few people huddled around my radio. Then one of the managers came out with a black and white printed picture of the building smoking and burning. Then they announced a second impact and everyone got realllllly concerned that we were being attacked. It was strange to be in a machine shop when no machines were running.

I remember going out for another smoke break a bit later and getting chills when i noticed there wasn’t a single plane in the sky. It was beautiful weather though. Thinking back on all the thoughts that were going through my mind back then…heh… kinda thought we were gonna be invaded.

Gym class in middle school, we had a game going. Pretty much made the rest of the middle school years a mess for me, I was in fights everyday cause of my Middle Eastern descent.

As far as less American flags up, that’s just the way of life. Everything becomes history in this world.

I was in a class about fuel systems diagnosis. Another teacher came in to tell us the news and said that whoever did this you can guarantee we were going to war with.

Saw it on the news and it was kind of odd, I couldn’t really grasp the depth of it until i saw the second one hit then I realized it was purely intentional. When the buildings came down it was kind of numbing, no real anger or sadness. Just kind of like hmm, after all of that though watching the news was sickening. How much they shoved that down everyones throats. I just remember feeling like they were playing on our emotions trying to get everyone riled up rather than think about this for a few seconds and make some decisions.

The American patriotism was somewhat inspiring even if I knew it wasn’t real. The only real good thing that came out of this was the record low crime rate drop.

I don’t subscribe to nationalism. We are all humans inhabiting this planet. For me the event was not good and the resounding response was worse. I guess I was just kind of meh about the whole thing. I feel bad for everyone that died in the attacks and that had to go and die for this cause.

I won’t go into the other side of things as to the whodoneit. As far as I’m concerned whoever did it got away with it.

I also went home that day and watched Red Dawn.