Where were you?

Its was six years ago today when we where attacked. I remember every detail of where I was that day. But where were you??

I was at the airport on an interview at 9:00am

Working my regular shift at for the ambulance company I worked for waiting to hear if we were going to the somerset crash site for recovery.

I remember sitting in class for Social Studies.

I remember waking up and the news on and then going out to my living room to tell my dad to put the news on as soon as he did the second plane hit

standing on the flightline watching a big as plane come over and saying

" i thought all planes where suppose to be grounded" the Maj standing next to me saying :“umm i thought so to”

next thing i see is two f-16 come flying right over my head…

and then my phone ringing and its my brother standing at shankeville looking at was use to be a plane

then we go on lockdown

swim class…

in school at lunch

in school in Mr. Forgies class(History) this was like my 8th or 9th grade year, i eventually(probably like everyone else) got sick of seeing nothing but 9/11 on tv

Relaxing before class, had to wake my wife up to tell her… she was recovering from flying the same patterns the night before. She was at the time flying east to west coast on those same flights 3-4 times a month, only home for a week out of the month… After 9/11 she has only flown 2, and that was last year to NY…

In order to avoid flying she had to restructure the entire training department at the company she worked for. She turned it into the only profitable part of the company for the six months that followed 9/11. the company had 0 sales after 9/11 because of the way it affect their industry. When she left the company she was the director of the training department.

I remember the morning for a lot of reasons… My cousin was working out of the towers and left the office early that day for an appt in Jersey, appointment was cancelled, and if he didn’t go golfing instead of returning to work… nuf said

damn, and people say slacking never pays off…saved his life


I still remember walking across campus to my health class, I think it was like my 3rd class of the day, and one of my buddies came up and told me that a small plane had hit a building in NY and that all the teachers were watching it in the teachers lounge. We got to health class and flipped on the tv and watched it for like 10 minutes and saw the second plane hit live. Then as class was ending they hit the pentagon. The whole rest of that day we would just move from class to class and watch the coverage all day. It was probably the quietest day ever on campus in high school.

I was sitting with my AP Amer. History class in the auditorium of my high school cuz it was school picture day. We didn’t know anything had happened until we got back to the classroom and another teacher came running in.

I was in so class at WCCC. I believe a foundations of education. left there and went to the dinning room where the dean came and told us to all leave cause of the plane over shanksville. called my then GF to see if she was ok and what she was goin to do(she was at point park college at the time) went to my friends house and watched the news.

I woke up and was all excited to pick up my Supra, in Wash. DC. Turned on the TV while getting dressed, couldnt believe it. I remember my stomach sinking. Needless to say, I never went to pick the car up that day… I think I got it 2 days later when the DMV opened.

i was walking to class at pitt. someone told me about it and i didn’t beleive it at first.
while I was sitting in class at benedum hall when our professor said to leave

I was too tired from having wild kinky sex the night before so I skipped school, I woke up around 10am and was like WTF… didnt know what to do.
I sat around and watched the news

Do you always have to be a douche bag??? So what if your right hand was tried you could have taken notes with your left hand…

here at the shop,wify yelled down a plane hit one of the towers & turned on the news!

7th grade gym class, running the mile. They kept us at school, and refused to tell us that anything was wrong. Found out what happened when I got home around 2:30.