Kimbo getting slow?


shrug what do i know, he’d probably beat my white bitch ass


Probably? He’d beat anybody you or I know. Listen, we’ll all find out June 16th when he fights his first MMA fight against former heavyweight extraordinaire Ray Mercer. Yes Ray is old and washed up and probably just collecting $$, but he is a skilled puncher and it will tell us a lot about Kimbo Slice.

Kimbo is 7-1, he lost to a Boston Policeman/MMA performer. (He used a guillotine choke and knees which Kimbo said is against street rules). However, Kimbo has been training with a great MMA Academy and Marcos Avelan in Miami. He will be fantastic with stand-up and Ground and Pound, but will definately need to know how to defend against submissions if he wants a career in MMA. He is freakishly strong, but the average lifespan for a barekuckle career probably isn’t that long. So its about time to start using the 4oz gloves, and see what he has in the cage!

For those of you that wonder if he can take a punch, watch his backyard brawl with another brother where he lets the guy punch him in the face for free like 2 times. Kimbo is officially scary.


  1. he has no footwork


no way look at how he steps around and in and out. he has the skills of decent boxer. he doesnt drag his feet. i think hes gonna do ok in MMA. i hope his fight doesnt end with a arm bar or ankle lock.

Please, my best friend who I have known for many many years is black, I am FAR from being racist. If newman can post songs about what black people can call themselves, I am just as entitled to it.


no way look at how he steps around and in and out. he has the skills of decent boxer. he doesnt drag his feet. i think hes gonna do ok in MMA. i hope his fight doesnt end with a arm bar or ankle lock.


everyone is entitled to their opinion :slight_smile: i think his footwork isnt that great, but i’m sure he’d prove he has excellent footwork if he fought most of us, lol

and if i fought him mma rules, id sure as hell take him to the ground and get a rear naked pretty quickly as he gives up his back while trying to stand up. striking with someone like that doesnt make much sense, no matter how technical you are- he would be the epitome of a punchers chance, haha


Probably? He’d beat anybody you or I know. Listen, we’ll all find out June 16th when he fights his first MMA fight against former heavyweight extraordinaire Ray Mercer. Yes Ray is old and washed up and probably just collecting $$, but he is a skilled puncher and it will tell us a lot about Kimbo Slice.

Kimbo is 7-1, he lost to a Boston Policeman/MMA performer. (He used a guillotine choke and knees which Kimbo said is against street rules). However, Kimbo has been training with a great MMA Academy and Marcos Avelan in Miami. He will be fantastic with stand-up and Ground and Pound, but will definately need to know how to defend against submissions if he wants a career in MMA. He is freakishly strong, but the average lifespan for a barekuckle career probably isn’t that long. So its about time to start using the 4oz gloves, and see what he has in the cage!

For those of you that wonder if he can take a punch, watch his backyard brawl with another brother where he lets the guy punch him in the face for free like 2 times. Kimbo is officially scary.


shitty promotions always put a puncher up against another puncher. look what happened with tommy morrison. they changed the rules 30 mins before the fight so the only thing his opponent could do WAS punch. lol.

you don’t pick up bjj in 6 months, hell you dont even learn how to tie your belt in 6 months ( i learned how to tie my belt in 2 months. im a prodigy :smiley: ) - as soon as they put kimbo up against a wrestler, it’ll be over pretty quickly.

dont get me wrong, i want to see him get in there and knock someone out legitimately, who doesnt love a KO?

he also could have been on drugs, which made him immune to pain of concusssion :slight_smile:

do u really think u could take him down knowing that he is trying to take ur head off. its always easier on paper.

Size doesn’t matter, if sureshot has the stamina to get in close, pound his face, then run away, all while not getting hit, he has a shot :slight_smile:

Like I said, look up Fedor Emelianenko. He is NOT a big guy, but I bet could take on any fighter you pit him up against.

i know about the size crap, and i know about fedor, im not new to the game.
try a single or double on a 170 lb guy and then try it on a 220 lb guy. trust me big difference.

Oh yeah, I was not saying anything about takedowns, then it becomes a huge difference.

sureshot was sayin that with his bjj he could take him down and choke him out. thats what we were talking about.

damnit it stay on topic


i wanna see kimbo in UFC and thus get destroyed


this comes up every time a kimbo thread shows up…

speaking of big guys getting in MMA action…anyone see brock lesnar in that K1 fight? He has far more potential than kimbo,especially with him being a former NCAA champ.

Anyone ever see Kimbo in the VIP vids??

Just wait for a actual MMA fight with Kimbo. In all his backyard fights he does not allow any holds, submissons, takedowns, knees only punches. That is why he will not last against a “real” MMA fighter. Not some money hungry Mercer.

Brock vs kimbo- Winnar takes Fedor. I would pay big money to see those

i want to throw an elbow into kimbo’s face

I have a free inthevip sub if anyone knows a way I can send them vid files and wants to host them lmk


sureshot was sayin that with his bjj he could take him down and choke him out. thats what we were talking about.

damnit it stay on topic


i dont think i could get him down without getting knocked out to be honest- i dont have any judo, and i dont think i could shoot successfully on him ( although he may have absolutely no sprawl or takedown defense, who knows )

that being said, if he was on the ground and has no wrestling experience, im pretty sure i could choke him out- its nothing to brag about. if he has any wrestling at all, it’d be 10000x more difficult, since he is undoubtedly twice as strong as me, haha

He’s training for his upcoming bout with Ray Mercer.

Looks to be in top condition,training with Bas Rutten and Randy Couture.:ohnoes:

Bump! Fights tonight