Kimbo getting slow?

Some blood shown but its not bad.

Took him a while with this guy.

kimbo has always been slow.

kimbo got his ass beat by a white guy

i wanna see kimbo in UFC and thus get destroyed

:word: he would get his ass mangled

that loser aint shit. Kimbo has already signed to his first MMA match. It was either last week or next week. I havent seen results online so i’m guessing next week. Kimbo is a joke

That guy wasnt doing half bad, better than most kimbo fights

I have no idea what this is. But it looks like if the video quality wasnt shit, it would definite be worth watching.

India Outsourced Call Centers > Kimbo

im sure kimbo is tough but he is always fighting amateur fighters that cant fight

As you have to remember, while I hate seeing people watch kimbo and thinking he is the all time greatest fighter ever while lacking any type of still in any martial art, all it takes is one good hit to the head to knock out anyone. In any MMA fight, kimbo can beat anyone if he can just get one solid hit to knock them out hence I think he could win a fight or two but no, he is not anything special in terms of fighting ability, just a big nig looking for TKO’s


As you have to remember, while I hate seeing people watch kimbo and thinking he is the all time greatest fighter ever while lacking any type of still in any martial art, all it takes is one good hit to the head to knock out anyone. In any MMA fight, kimbo can beat anyone if he can just get one solid hit to knock them out hence I think he could win a fight or two but no, he is not anything special in terms of fighting ability, just a big nig looking for TKO’s


“just a big nig” :bloated:


“just a big nig” :bloated:


ya just a big nig, he’s not a person you know :bloated:

why don’t you go play the brick game buddy, yell that a few times on the east side and come back and tell us about it.

Your right, he’s not a person, he portrays himself as an animal. If he would fight in anything organized than I would give him more credit, but anyone trying to make their claim to fame by fighting behind buildings and in hidden arenas just doesn’t get my respect and is only a big nig in my eyes.

whats the “brick game”?


As you have to remember, while I hate seeing people watch kimbo and thinking he is the all time greatest fighter ever while lacking any type of still in any martial art, all it takes is one good hit to the head to knock out anyone. In any MMA fight, kimbo can beat anyone if he can just get one solid hit to knock them out hence I think he could win a fight or two but no, he is not anything special in terms of fighting ability, just a big nig looking for TKO’s


stop with the fucking racist comments. you’ve said those shits multiple times in threads the last week or so. its fucking disgraceful to this board. go play on the train tracks with the russian or whatever backwood friends you have.

additionally he does have an amateur MMA fight coming up, but he is fucking terrible…

IB4way2slow says he is awesome

  1. he doesnt know what a combonation is to save his life
  2. he has no footwork
  3. he’ll get fucked up in the clinch or on the ground
  4. he does punch hard as fuck :smiley:


  1. he does punch hard as fuck :smiley:


The punches he has thrown in his videos look nasty. However the scrubs he’s fighting have no training in taking punches. If a boxer punches another boxer more than likely he will take the shot. When a boxer punches a regular joe, you’ll probably be knocked the f out.


whats the “brick game”?


The brick game is something alot of white gangs use for initiation terms. They sent you into the ghetto, drive around for 10 minutes find the biggest black guy you can find and start yelling racial terms. Then you throw the brick once they start chasing you and if you miss you have to get out and get it.

Might stop people from being so ignorant once they end up on the hospital for it.

As far as what he portrays himself as, it’s entertainment. We’ve all watched him, we’ve all been entertained and guess what he’s been paid for it.

and Johnny that wasn’t meant towards you, I was agreeing with your confusion of purpose of the comment treads made.


The punches he has thrown in his videos look nasty. However the scrubs he’s fighting have no training in taking punches. If a boxer punches another boxer more than likely he will take the shot. When a boxer punches a regular joe, you’ll probably be knocked the f out.


i’m not convinced with your statement to be honest, although you are on the right track i believe.

a boxer knows to keep his chin tucked when fighting as a severe enough shot on the button is going to but anyone down. you get him hard on the button and you pass out, you don’t experience pain, your body just shuts down and you wake up later with a sore face.

the guys he fights are chumps for the most part, no doubt, and their lazy inaccurate punches are barely going to do anything- since he truly is a beast.

but when you are fighting with 4oz gloves or bareknuckle, it’s really difficult to cover up or block punches ( other than with your face ). honestly if one of these streetfighters would wisen up and keep trying to throw sharp punches right down the pipe, they could probably hit his chin pretty easily

but since he does hit so hard ( and relatively fast ) it’d take some guts to be an ‘in’ fighter and try and work your way in close enough where a straight down the pipe could land

shrug what do i know, he’d probably beat my white bitch ass