Kimbo Slice on espn

In the VIP

“gettummm biiiiirrrrrrrrd!” hahhaa

How long before he makes it into UFC?

OT- Is UFC and pride now the same thing? I heard one bought the other?

UFC bought Pride… i saw an interview with Dana White and its pretty amazing what hes done with the UFC.

[quote=“Toda Party,post:22,topic:40143"”]

“gettummm biiiiirrrrrrrrd!” hahhaa


hahahah yesss…

about kimbo:

he fought a tomato can:hitit:

So then who is the heavyweight champ? Does Fedor still hold it?

has anyone seen the kevin randleman v fedor fight?! fedor feels no pain.

kimbo is the scariest black man ive ever seen on the internet. if hes serious about this mma thing, ill root for em.

Oh yeah, not just KOs lost fights, various limb breaking holds do to!


So then who is the heavyweight champ? Does Fedor still hold it?


Randy Couture holds it, but it’s basically vacant after his retirement from the UFC

rachel nichols sat on kimbo’s slice before she left that interview, guaran-damn-teed

I thought he was already retired?


Randy Couture holds it, but it’s basically vacant after his retirement from the UFC


his last fight was with gonzaga right ?

just like every new person into the MMA world you have to work your way up in the standings. So yes kimbo is beating nobodys but thats what you have to do and by the time he has about 7-8 professional fights he will be ready for anything… DERRRRRRRR

Fyi, for those of you who dont know, this is the face of the man who is said to be the most dangerous man in MMA

Fedor is definitely the #1 HW, no question. I enjoy this picture more though:


That is fucking awesome. I just thought he looks like a faggot in the one i posted, but i dont think i would ever say that face to face



That is fucking awesome. I just thought he looks like a faggot in the one i posted, but i dont think i would ever say that face to face


He looks to be an absolute friendly dough boy, yet is a ruthless killer. Never phased by anything, same calm and emotionless demeanor as he 100% dominates his opponents. He survived this:

He got fucking dropped on his head, how is his neck not broken.

good god hes awesome, Kimbo wouldnt last 30 seconds against fedor.

Kimbo looks like Rick ross on ROIDS. kimbo is nasty at street fighting. but in the video he lost in, it looks like hes scared to use is street moves.

Its pretty amazing what he’s done in 2 years,backyard fights for $1500 to taking on 6 figure fights.:tup:

Kimbo wouldn’t last 30 seconds against top ranked fighters that have been in the game for years.Give it time though,nothing happens overnight.