lol… shouldn’t you be in bed, so you can get your learn on in the morning?
Yeah but I was :retardclap:retardclap and put off an economics project until the night before it was due. I’m finishing it up now
2 best comments
"OMG, fk the rat. Put a jdm cat in there… "
"honestly, go to the pet store and ask if they have any rats with teh AIDZ, buy one and let them mate. eventually they’d both die. PROBLEM SOLVED "
so, hes been huffin rat poo and pee vapors for a while now, hmm? can u use like a shopvac and cram the hose in there to get it all out? like unbolt the fender and stuff and just vacuum it all out with the rat.
This is exactly why I refuse to go catless.
lol thats a good read. rodents are freakin notorious for making nests wherever they can… i think its great how it was ripping the pink of of his house and stashing it in the cowl. lol
u guys remember that subie that had dog food in the tranny? heheh