When storing your car ... *pics*

…make sure to use rat traps:

I was storing my FD at my parents house covered with a tarp
under a walnut tree during the summer while I collect the
parts needed to get it back on the road. I went last week
to bold the hood and fenders on so I could drive it home
and put it in the garage and when I opened the hood I saw
a bunch of leaves. I heard movement in the leaves and a RAT
poked it’s head up and looked at me like WTF are you doing
in my house! I tried to take a picture of him but he took off,
but I took some pics of the nest while I was cleaning it out.
He ate a bunch of wiring and tubing but I guess it could have
been worse?


oh man, i guess someone “ratted” on him.

It was probablly Toretto

just tie a cat to your wheel with a 30’ leash…

I live near a forest and field mice used my engine area to keep warm after I’d get home for a week or so. The little bastards would set the alarm off every time they ran by the hood sensor. I’d have a nice collection of seed shells and mouse crap on the rad every morning. I finally had to take the battery out and put a trap there… caught 3 mice.


well at least someone has found a practical use for a rotory engine

Zing :rofl:

rat traps are weak

poor antifreeze around the perimeter of the car

case closed

just be sure you dont have a cat or dog

…Orrrrr park in a garage where you know rodent’s cant get in :smiley:


even in a garage rodents still seem to find a way in trust me!

Bahahaha… That’s awesome. And it’s ironic b/c FD owners generally refer to their mess of wiring and sequential TT boost control setup as “the rat’s nest”. In a non-related but equally awesome bit of irony, the hairiest guy I knew back from HS has fallen victim to male pattern baldness.


thats JDM
