how can i keep mice out of my car? they are ruining this thing!!

irish spring soap and dryer sheets

yep and dont park near tall grass if possible

Tons of dryer sheets…for whatever reason they won’t go near them. I stuff my boat with them over the winter and have never had a problem.

i’d assume it’s the smell.

If that was the case then you could put any type of strong smelling stuff in your car and they would stay away. You do know that you are talking about the same animal that would eat and sleep in just about any disgusting condition you can come up with. I think its a little more than the smell!

true, true. perhaps they chew on the dryer sheet because they’re attracted to it because of the smell, then the chemicals in the sheet fuck with something in the rats. maybe it just kills it and other rats know to stay the hell out?

holy fuck… why are you reading into it so much?

i have literally nothing else to do right now.

masturbating or figuring out how to make money to finish your dumpy truck are a couple options

Googling how to be less retarded is another.

They don’t chew on the drier sheets either btw. I’ve never seen a chewed one come out of a car.

would rep but i cant

Myth: The Internet is rife with testimonials extolling the olfactory power of fabric softener sheets to keep mice out of the house.

Reality: “Some smells repel mice for a short period of time, like cigarette smoke and certain colognes,” says Ron Harrison of Orkin Pest Control in Atlanta. “But mice are extremely curious. A strange odor isn’t going to keep them away when they’re looking for food or a place to nest.”

Bottom Line: Don’t expect your box of Bounce to work any pest-control miracles. But baited traps won’t solve a mouse problem, either. “Mice are attracted to spots where light comes through, so if you see a gap where they’re entering, stuff it with steel wool or copper mesh so they can’t gnaw their way through, then caulk over it so no light can penetrate,” Harrison says. Holes larger than an inch should be sealed with drywall or another suitable material instead.

I believed in dryer sheets until last spring when I took my car out of storage and there were mouse droppings in the dryer sheets on top of the intake manifold. I have never kept track of what brand I used , is there a certain brand that works?

They do NOTTTTTT work for mice. I stored my fifth wheel and covered it inside and out under the things around pipes in the storage area etc. I had mice all over the thing . Dropping were so bad. I had to steam clean or a week and use bleach… Then I called a company to steam the carpets after me… My steam cleaner had mice crap in it even. GROSS!!!

Stick to poison, traps and mothballs.

I use traps. Those fucking electronic noise maker bullshits don’t work either.

Truth. Will +rep when possible

I know exactly how to keep them out. 100% proven method.

Sell the car

Mouse traps, a kitty cat, and/or guns.

There is a stray cat around here that’s awesome as fuck. It kills at least one mouse and one bird everyday. There are no mice within a 1 mile radius of here I swear.

Kidnap that fucking thing and bring it to me. It can live in my basement.

my cat kicks ass at killing mice… it even leaves the heads and some guts, and sometimes feathers, on the porch as proof of its work…

I drove home last night, and had a bat fly out from underneeth my seat, on the thruway at 1:45am, fly around inside the car and out the window.

that was cool.
