Spiders in car

I have a problem. I have a spider in my car. I found him, then he went into my vents. But he keeps making webs. He made one when i was driving but i missed him. Now, i am deathly afraid of spiders. Like, if it comes out when im driving- i will throw my car in park and get out and run away then call someone to come kill it.

So… what is the best way to make your car spider free?

I cleaned the inside yesterday… vacummed it and took down his webs.

any other ideas?

i’m totally serious about this. i am not driving my car again until i find a way to get him out.

Light your car on fire :tup:

hire an exterminator! no relly just park your car in the sun one day and he should build a web by a window

release a larger spider into the car to spin its own web and catch the smaller spider

and by “larger” …i mean a spider you can put a leash on …

my neighbor is an exterminator… i already thought about that. but i think he’d put those bombs in my car or something and i wouldnt be able to drive it for a month.

the easiest way is probably to stop being afraid of spiders.

random fact. Humans eat 2 spiders a year because they crawl into out mouth while sleeping…

ha not this human. i tape my mouth shut because of this.

Finally! A woman who tapes her own mouth shut!

+1 karma point

:mamoru: Ahem, sorry. What about treating your HVAC with that antibacterial air conditioning treatment spray stuff?

where do i get that?!?!? i have dance class at 7, as of right now, i’m getting a ride there.


i went outside. he built another web by my sunroof…so i opened it. Now, will it let more spiders in? or will he break free and leave me alone?

Any auto parts store. I got the stuff I used a little while ago from Hank @ Napa. You just spray it into the inlet to your HVAC, switch the settings around so it sprays through everything, and enjoy the lack of AC/Sneaker smell funk. Or hopefully in your case, spiders. :tup:

Oh, I thought this was going to be like Snake on a Plane…


I’d do the same, but only after I screamed like a little girl.

lighting my car on fire would be last resort.

like, if i noticed about 7 spiders in my car- i’d light it on fire then.

Should have gotten a 5 speed. Spiders don’t like 5 speeds.

Rearended a guy on the 190 when he slammed on his brakes because there was a spider and he was allergic. I had the car only a few months. When he got out he was like im sorry im allergic!

Ruined my day fo shizzle

:frowning: i hate you howie. haha

how did i know you would say that?

1 spider means many more that you dont see.

nope there is ONLY ONE.

i have a spiderometer in my car. it only says one. it’s a white one. about the size of a nickel. he’s quite fast. and a male, so it won’t have any babies