Kitchener/Waterlooo Weekly Meets

Alrighty Kitchener People!!!

Meet this Sunday for 1pm @ Rink in the Park is it ? We better get a decent turn out because I know their are alot of 240s in Kitchener (alot of you are on the board here, you just dont post)

So far I guess its just Myself and S13GG

Cody ? Jay ? Jack ? Jake ? Joel ? Alot of people with the 1st initial J here in Kitchener eh :smiley:

Hi guys

I’ll try to show up unless I am under the car again :twisted:

Disturbing image attached:

I should be back from Sudbury in time, so count me in. But what/where is “Rink in the Park”?

ya i will be willing to make the meet, ill just have to come home from the cottage a little early on sunday.

where is this rink in the park location tho?

99 Seagram Drive
Waterloo, ON N2L, CA

I’ll try and make it. I’m having lazik @TLC done on thursday but I should be ok by then.

I think I can make this meet

Count me in and maybe FR Only

hey guys, new to this forum
saw this thread and was wondering when and where the meets are…
i work all week so only really got weekends off… whats this about this sunday (i guess thats tomorrow the 27) . maybe i might be able to drop by with my stock 240

anyway, keep a look out for my white s13. im sure ive seen several of you b4 driving

Meets are @…

Rink In The Park
99 Seagram Drive
Waterloo, ON N2L, CA

I’m going to do my best to stop by but its not looking good (I was sick most of last week) so I fell behind @ work big time and I’ve been working my ass off yesterday and still today trying to catch up. Its like 12:15 now but I’ll be by best to show my face between 1:00-1:30 :wink:

ummm… I was there a bit after 1:40 with a cloud of dark blue smoke trailing behind me from my oil-enhanced intake… didn’t see anyone there though…

We were there but in the lot closer to the tracks

I’m pretty sure I left around 2pm, we were in the back, staying nice and quiet, teh campus police rolled by a couple times but didn’t bother to stop in. A nice meet anyways, 6-7 cars?


To bad I couldnt make it… (friggin work)

I will be out to the next one for sure… We will have to plan another one “unless its going to be weekly/bi-weekly” for 1pm @ Rink in the Park ?

6-7 Cars isnt to bad thou… I know Kyle was pulling his motor so he didnt show up and Hector dont have his own the road and I was @ work so that could have been 3 more but maybe next time…


so… are you guys still meeting? ive tried to go and see if any 240s were there/in the area but didnt see any the last few weeks.

anyway well if i get up in time (maybe 1:30ish) i’ll be up for it and a cruse around kw.
… and where abouts again? i know its at rink in the park but i dont exactly know what parking lot that one is.

so… are you guys still meeting? ive tried to go and see if any 240s were there/in the area but didnt see any the last few weeks.

anyway well if i get up in time (maybe 1:30ish) i’ll be up for it and a cruse around kw.
… and where abouts again? i know its at rink in the park but i dont exactly know what parking lot that one is.

Are there any KW 240 meets in the near future?

Well I’m down for a Meet tomorrow (Sunday Oct 15th) I guess say 1pm @ rink in the park ?

If anyone else is interested then post up or come on out :wink:

Hey I know the weather is changing, but just wanted to know if there’s gonna be any meets in the near future? If so when and where?
