Kitchener/Waterlooo Weekly Meets

Just bought mine sooo guess we’ll see.

its more of a meet n slide really hahahaqha cant wait till the rbeast breaths again

I’ll probably come out to a meet or two once the car is on the road.

cool man same here

id come out aswell, but im not always on here to know when there is a meet

Whens next meet? My 180 wants to make friends lol

ya i d like to know aswell, id like to get out more this summer

We could possibly meet up sometime later next week. Gotta wait for my MAF to come in then ill hopefully be out of “limp mode” -_-

ya im in just need time and where?

For those of u that live close to kitchener waterloo ( guelph and cambridge etc) go on facebook and search KW SX. Trying to get as many as possible so we can admire the s chasis once again

We can decide location and time on fb.


any meets still happeining in kw?

I’m down anytime or day