Klu Klux Klan endorses Barrack Obama

[note who the author of the article is]

“Anything is better then hilary…”

Grand Turk Cletus Monroe has also been very vocal about the election and has donated thousands of dollars to Obama’s election fund.

“The boy’s gonna do it. My Klan group has donated up to $250,000 to the Obama fund. Anything is better than Hillary Clinton. Hell I’ll even adopt a black kid from Africa before I vote for Hillary.”

“A few years back we were lynching negroes. Now we’re gonna vote for one to be president of the US of motherfu**ing A, damn it! Anyone or anything is better than Hillary Clinton - anything!!”


:lol: @ Klu


What about McCain lol?

Good thing the article is from February and you misspelled the title. :picard:


OOH OOH. I wana be an IMPERIAL WIZARD too lol

*Ku Klux Klan

Jim Crowe I get it lol

glad someone else got it.


