Kneel Before Me....

:finger2: As you all will come to know, the Turkey doesn’t take crap from anyone. One day you will see me pulling up behind you, quietly, without fanfare. You will think; “this will be an easy kill”. Like a bullet to your cranium, however, your world will be shattered as you are rocked off the asphalt. Don’t say I didn’t warn you. Think on that bitches. Remember, the Turkey will fly! :finger2:

till its shot down

Hmm interesting. Welcome?

what an intro…welcome anyway.

i really have no idea what to say to that…a little pent up aggression?


gobble gobble gobble

Go fuck yourself…

:rofl: x2


you could of just said you were comming for the king of all streets.

you suck and are already working on a ban badass


Did you Buy the street crown from 1320?

Turkey Jerky?

that queer never had it, I had it the whole time

talking smack on the first post… wow

since he likes to just ramble i will say that i love big breasts

big boobs ftmfw

I heart b00bies.

<~~3000GT TT killer

Sean/Shawn…thats a nice way of introducing yourself and talking big for a 15.6 1/4 mile time :slight_smile: Put some more blood into your cars and then you MIGHT have some more room to talk…Built not bought :slight_smile: -And if you think that the 3000gt will score any better may want to think again muuuuhahahhahahaahahaaa