Knife Crew - Basement find

I found this guy hanging out on top of a cabinet that came with my house. Just wondering if anyone had any info on year or model. From what I can find it seems to be a MK2, but can’t find any with the same handle or the polished blade.

Ka Bar also supplied knives for the Marines, the entire military I would guess. Maybe try somebody @ Buffalo Gun Center.

My grandpa said its handle has been changed, probably polished it for display purposes.

Sadly, the collector value for this is gone.


That’s what I was afraid of, oh well. I’ll add it to my collection for now.

Frankly i like pieces like this. The veterans brought them home and made them their own. I have a German WWI and a German WWII rifle that were made into hunting rifles after the war by the vets who captured them. Keep them right alongside my matching originals. All part of the history of the piece. Great find.

Ka Bar makes very good quality knives. I’d use it for a camping knife, thats what I use mine for.

This. I have a utility Ka Bar that I used in both tours for so many things it’s ridiculous. I also have one that I keep in pristine condition just because I loved the original so much.

Awesome find! lmk if you wanna sell it

Why don’t you give KaBar a call and see what they think? I know they make countless special editions. I have a KaBar USMC full size that I was given as a gift from the president of the company when she bought a Silverado… for the second one she gave me a smaller one for my wife. Every time I go to my property it goes with me, otherwise it stays in the Volt… never know when you might need to use it.

$75 give or take,scabbard is probably worth $25 of that.

I’ll give you $4,I have to make money and people aren’t buying knives in this economy.

Don’t forget the wheezy laugh.