Koi Pond Project

Thank you sir!

Wow, that shit is big. Looks awesome though. Nice job!

I’m gonna look into making one of these with my pops, our in-ground sprinkler system might pose problems, though.

Adam, sweet puddle u have there!

WAT! Where did Gilligan’s Island go?

looks really good dude!!!

You need to get some R/C boats/submarines now!

Shits looking fresh

wow looks great adam!

Thanks doods!

looks good

let me know when I can drop my 20" arowana off.

come drop him off at my house i wanna see a battle :ninja

Ive got an rc boat I can bring over

a battle with what???

ehh couple of mah friendssss :wierd

Thanks man, will do!

Can’t wait to see moar. My pond is just about all torn out.

Heres some mroe pics of progress made over the last few days, and today. Still not close to being done, but its getting there!





Holy shit! Your backyard is leaking. =p shit looks good dude. Digging is retarded, I gotta give you props for staying focused on gettin that shit done, lol.

i like it. coming along very nicely