KONY 2012


Could be one of the biggest things that happen in our lifetimes… only if we want it to be.

counter point: http://visiblechildren.tumblr.com.nyud.net/

If this was a real problem , it wouldn’t be anymore !!!

this is a case of a noble cause gone awry. it’s kind of similar to what susan g komen does. great cause, poor execution (in that the ceo make about 4.9 mill too much).

so invisiblechildren spend a shit ton of money on advertising and expenses, and only 37% of the donated money makes it to these kids. they make a “kit” which is like wrist bands and posters, etc, which is just brand awareness (which is good, but when the profits don’t go to the children, then that’s a problem)

they also won’t divulge their tax information publicly, which is a major red flag especially since they’re a “non-for-profit”

if you really feel compelled, do some research and try to find a worthwhile charity like UNICEF, but the only place your money will go to invisiblechildren is to advertising.

I just saw it for the first time, didnt do any research or make any donations. Just fw’d the link here.

Interesting. I know the expenses are high doing what they are claiming to do, but I would have expected a bit more than 37% went towards the cause. They do employ a shit ton of people it seems though.

i think these are the same kids that went out to africa a few years back and had the women knit hats and sold them in the states…they basically created jobs for them.

i like the idea and what the main focus is to help others with that said all in all i thought the video lacked a real human touch to it and didnt inform people much but thats just my 2cents

I’m always wary of causes championed by college kids. If this was such a problem in 2003 when they first visited Africa, why’d they wait 9 years to decide “this is the time to end it”?

There are videos of ugandan people on youtube saying kony is a nonissue and is likely even dead.


Thanks for the lol’s Jdaniels. Its bad to laugh at it but its still sorta funny

Susan G Komen issue makes me rage.

Most viral video of all time.


This link disagrees with your bold text:

I’m sure they have their issues and could be better run, but some of the ‘hate’ they are getting is ridiculous. Who knew, before that video, who Kony was? I’ll be the first to admit that I did not. Isn’t that the point?


Laughing baby is epic. 33 Mil views…


He was a serious issue ~20 years ago when he was in peak power.

Now? Not so much.

He build this company to do one thing and now that the machine is running he isn’t stopping, even if it’s not really a current issue anymore.

If this Kony is caught he is likely to move on to another issue or keep milking this for all it’s worth by writing a book.

Either way, he’s essentially a mercenary at this point in time.



Invisible Children Founder And KONY 2012 Star Found Masturbating In Public, Vandalizing Cars


He was masterbating in public because he thought his children were invisible.

I’ve heard about this years ago, I’m sure it was on youtube before or something similar. No one gave much of a fu*K no surprise really. Now all of the sudden its viral and it’s every where! Have this guy make a video on some of the laws passing in america, you can now be “detained” for peaceful protest of Government programs…

As far back as I can remember with charities doing something for starving kids or Africans. Someone always pockets the the money while the people who need it get a SMALL portion of it. This whole thing seems off to me & people are buying into it by the masses wasn’t this a issue in 2003?
