KONY 2012

I did a quick search to see if anything else has been posted about this but came across nothing…so here it goes.

I am sure a lot of people have probably come across this on facebook or twitter but just in case please take 30 min. whenever you are free to watch this video.


and if you do not mind sharing, that would be awesome too. Doesn’t cost anything but awareness can go a long way.


** and sorry if this is in anyway a repost **

This has EXPLODED on my facebook! asked a few people what it is and each response was “you have to watch it”

Well,I only watched like 1 minute of it and he has my vote in 2012…


I watched the whole thing,very well done video and he definitely will be ousted after that :tup:

Yup, watch it. Its about more than just the cause it stands for, its about actually being able to make a difference through the power of social media and the internet.

the numbers for the vimeo video are crazy, this is total views for each day. that 120k was in the first 35 minutes of the day

Mar 7th 120K
Mar 6th 2.7M
Mar 5th 58K
Mar 4th 8
Mar 3rd 4
Mar 2nd 20
Mar 1st 20

Pretty crazy. Nationalism is a joke. The world would be a better place if instead of people thinking in terms of their countries interest they thought in terms of humanities interests. It doesn’t matter where we live, at the end of the day we all live on this planet. Just think bigger.

man… that douche-bag has to be captured.

supporting… (action kit)

spread the word if haven’t yet.! =)

This takes place on 4/20…

Just sayin’.

“where you live shouldn’t determine whether you live”…deep stuff

wonder if kony has access to the internet in whatever hole or bush hes hiding in…probably shitting his pants rights about now!


Watched this last night, definitely some moving stuff. I can’t even imaging what it’s like to be 8 years old, ripped from your parents, and forced to basically be a slave for this army dictator. Even the kids that were trying not to get captured were sleeping on cold slabs basically on top of each other.

He’s record number 11018 on the specially designated nationals list. Right between “MOTEL MOMENTOS E.U.” and “ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF IRAN SHIPPING LINES”. He’s been on there since 2008. This means he pretty much can’t do any financial business in the US. /BankingSoftwareNerdStuff

emotional porn for the masses

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Highly doubt it. You setting your profile pic to KONY 2012 is not going to stop him.
Need navy seal team 6 to hold this shit down, instead of what I presume will be a year of “spreading awareness” and not actually doing work.

before you support this KONY 2012…
read this

go to


So everyone in the world knew who bin laden was and it took 10 years and every resource in the US government to find him.

Also wouldn’t this be something NATO would be involved in?

I’m not against this but sending in american soldiers while the rest of the people supporting this are sitting in America drinking starbucks and taking a stand is :tif:

Pay off locals, find him, predator drone and blow him up…

Sounds like no matter who you back in shithole african countries you’re backing assholes.

Some background on the Uganda People’s Defence Force (the people the guy who made this video is giving money to)


So yeah, watch your facebook video in starbucks on your laptop and hit share giving you a nice warm fuzzy feeling like you’re a part of some great revolution.

Speaking of helping Uganda friend of mines org he moved there with his family to help the people. - http://www.hackersforcharity.org/blog/

http://ilto.wordpress.com/2006/11/02/the-visible-problem-with-invisible-children/ seems sketch. This article was written in 2006 too.

SO much negativity?!

Regardless of your stance, belief, whatever, I think it’s important to at least watch the video to be informed about the situation. I’m 100% NOT a hippy (I don’t even like Dave Matthews Band), I don’t bang the drum to save the trees, save the bees, save the whales, save those snails. The situation described in the video is deplorable. I can’t imagine being 8 years old and sleeping on a concrete slab wondering if you’ll either be forced into sex slavery or turned into a soldier against your will. It’s unreasonable to ask everyone who watches the video to fly to Africa and kill Joseph Kony, or donate thousands of dollars for aid. If slapping up a few posters or buying a T-shirt gets some attention then I’m all for it. If nothing else I’d say pass it along via Social Media. I’d rather be informed than be ignorant to the situation, even if it’s not one I care about.

That, combined with a massive humanitarian effort.

It’s not like they haven’t used drones to kill terrorists before -> http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2011/09/30/us-born-terror-boss-anwar-al-awlaki-killed/