KONY 2012

You people are fucking idiots. You watch a 30 minute video and suddenly fighting for the cause.

Watching that Kony video is essentially watching old news. They started filming in 2003, and northern Uganda has been free of LRA violence and war for over five years. In fact, the LRA have signed a peace accord! They are rebuilding and are restoring the peace.

Yes the leader is still out there however the recruitment of children has decreased 80%. This isn’t due to the Invisible Children organisation, its because Ugandan military and the ICC have intercepted. The Invisible Children group are trying to pass a bill that allows America to militarise the region… They are providing misinformation to woo idealistic followers. The group have combined multiple regional conflicts to make it appear that this is one rapidly increasing issue. When confronted about their dodgy tactics, the head spokesperson stated;
“I agree with you that leading people to believe that the war is still happening in Uganda is not ethically right. It’s something we’ve been addressing internally, focusing on getting all staff and supporters on the same page (of communication)."

If you read the news, or even had an ounce of interest in the on-going unrest in Africa you would already know this and not be fooled. Yes, awful things happen to people in 3rd world countries but this has been occurring for centuries, it isn’t a recent occurrence.

SOURCES: Michael Kirkpatrick, a long-time Independent Global Citizen, he has resided in Uganda and other regions of Africa. He has no political, religious or financial agenda. He wrote this article and gave an in-depth insight to whats really going on. He also questioned important members of Invisible Children about their motives. http://www.blackstarnews.com/news/122/ARTICLE/6586/2010-06-02.html

Charity Navigator is a website that breaks down the proceeds and donations given to Invisible Children and subsequently shows what percentile of that is REALLY going towards these impoverished kids. A measly slither of what is going into the founders pockets. http://www.charitynavigator.org/index.cfm?bay=search.summary&orgid=12429

ADDITIONALLY - There were members of Invisible Children were saying what their “allowance” could purchase them, it was on a forum on the official website, and this has also been REMOVED. http://blog.invisiblechildren.com/?p=5901
Also: http://www.thegauntlet.com/article/1320/18249/Barry-from-Look-What-I-Did-responds-to-Invisible-Children-Organization.html


But dude made an artsy video, and the sheeple go nuts.

You have to be fucking kidding me… People in that “army” that had GUNS AND WEAPONS couldn’t come up with a plan to take over or atleast take out a few people to screw up some sort leadership long enough to escape?
Don’t get me wrong, its effed up this happened but wtf, I feel like we have enough probelms of our own to deal with.

yes sure. but for all the people that do not read news papers, or just skip right by,some people need social media to see things like this to actually notice and realize what is happening. the movement is about a lot more then just stoping KONY, its about showing that as humans we can actually accomplish something to help all of humanity. yes the war has stopped in uganda like you said, and that they signed a peace treaty, but if you read up more or watch the video you will see that they have moved into other parts of Africa and they have signed peace treatys before where they just took time to re-arm and resupply.

it is up to each individual person to make their own decision. you should not be trying to make people see it your way but let them see their own.

I would love to see other countries take on this whole movement especially the middle east…since our government etc is busy blowing up people in that area.

im 10 minutes in and rather than sympathize with Jacob i just hate this director

this video is more about him and how he feels about this cause than it is about this cause.

worthy cause though

This video is pretty moving and i can see why it is spreading like wildfire. its a horrible situation, but like everyone said it has been going on for some time and for anyone who looks even the slightest bit into world news knows this
its great that people are spreading this around and getting the message across.

that being said i have a huge problem with (primarily) north americans just throwing money at any “organization” that catches their eye.

in short. i’m not donating to any money to an organization that pays their film maker over 80k (on paper)

This charitable organization, if you can call it that, has such a high administration cost. proving that all your money isnt going towards a cause. Its almost as bad as the world vision workers repping new Land Rovers over seas.

Long and short is if you want to help out. go to your local salvation army, soup kitchen, food bank or whatever and volunteer.

by buying these “kits” you’re just making someone rich.

Malaria kills 1 million kids every year in Africa so it may be a good cause to get behind. It is pretty easy to prevent with simple nets from what I have read. I often think of this when I hear the US govt babbling on about how much it cares for people. Malaria kills more African kids than AIDS and it can be prevented, where the hell is Bono when you need him?!?!?

This is going to sound bad but…

I would assume its directly related to large number of people who end up suffering from starvation and not making it.


I got a little hate mail after posting this one on my facebook wall

I like how this post turned into a FB post and has since be reposted by other people.

soon america will be a 3rd world country. shit will be no different than what you’re seeing. in fact, it will most likely be worse.

If America become third world in my lifetime, I’ll eat my hat.




without using the internet ^

Ball so hard Kony couldn’t find me.

****** in Uganda.


the real truth:

^ A+

I feel terrible that I am laughing But hahahaha that was gold

---------- Post added at 02:13 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:10 AM ----------

I did watch the vid yesterday. While a great cause and some awareness is better then none I have to say aside from the indivuals name I think most people have known that injustice like this is still all over the world. Not that I don’t want to see it resolved…but I would also like this type of enthusiasm toward things like ohhhh our national defecit so I can retire someday. #firstworldyesimgreedyproblems