These kids suck

This honestly makes me sick to my stomach to think that someone could get treated this badly by kids. I can’t help but to think if she was my grandmother. It would make me want to rage on these kids. They truly should be ashamed of themselves.

yep 4chan was busy ruining their lives last night

here’s the vid and non-mobile link


Specialkid probably uses Shift_518 as his primary news source.

Bring back beating children… Will correct lots of this.

Some kid was harassing a teacher that was a one on one with him since he was a :skid. She was getting really upset and I told him if he kept it up I’d knock his teeth out. The teacher ended up talking to my mom later that day (she worked at the middle school this happened at) and broke down crying saying she couldn’t believe I stuck up for her. She’s the nicest lady ever. It’s mind blowing to see how fucked up some piece of shit kids are. In this case it was a woman who’s job it was to help this fucking delinquent and he was just a total piece of garbage to her.

As for this story, my girlfriend just told me about it. It’s awful. I honestly hate the fuck out of some kids. In for beating them.

Scumbag kids…

See what happens when ya let the monkeys out of the cage for a while ??? Disrespectful punks where is al sharpton now ??? That’s not racist though right ? If those were my kids is beat em senslessly .

wow kids are getting worse and worse these days and guess what? Its the parents fault for bringing them up that way without proper discipline. Today you cant even smack your kid without having the cops come and put cuff’s on you.

when I was in school, any kids that talked to elders like that got a fist in the mouth. No one disrespected elders like that…and our parents were actually allowed to smack us on the ass and toss us around a little to teach us right from wrong.

the kids and the parents should both get fist raped.

I don’t beat my kids , but they know when they Fuck up . When there with me and my friends I let have fun and talk like us lol but both of them know when / where / and who they can Fuck with .

thats how it should be.

That’s how I was brought up , if I talked to a elder like that I would of bennyyyyy beaten

same here/

WTF are you talking about? Kids are white.

Only you would bring up Al Sharpton to an all white story. :facepalm

No look at the vid vlad , they r black or heavily tanned . At least it looks it on my phone .

Pussification of America is coming from Soccer moms.

Asian kids behave and study, so do Indians and respect families, black kids can be assholes but often the parents have no problem beating their kid, and nobody will tell them no. White kids are sacred and protected, who can and do call cops on their parents if they try to discipline.

John cmon… even if the kid was black, which hes not, skin color has nothing to do with this.

And that scared of discipline comes from our schools ! They drill it into the kids to tell if your parents grab ya .

This shit makes me sick. WTF is wrong with kids these days.

[QUOTE=Murrdog9000;974887]John cmon… even if the kid was black, which hes not, skin color has nothing to do with this.

Ok ill shut up