
:noes: :walter::drama2:


As horrible as war is, it is certainly fascinating.

I’ll start off with a smart ass comment: If we handle war like we handled the oil spill in the Gulf, S. Korea is doomed.

And now, I’ll step away from sarcasm:

Sadly, I’m a little older now and war isn’t funny to me in the least bit. This actually has the potential to be extremely serious, especially since China is on good terms with N. Korea and we’re an ally of S. Korea. If an actual war breaks out, I don’t see any good coming of it.

N. Korea has the largest military to size ratio in the world.

Even worse is that the weapons that N. Korea has on the border have a range long enough to hit a city in S. Korea with 10 million people. That isn’t very fascinating to me, sorry.

I hope that something peaceful comes of this whole thing… but with the way N. Korea is aggresively trying to get things going towards war, I’m suspecting that in a few days we’ll have bloodshed. :tdown:

At least in this war the enemies will have uniforms and a structure of leadership. This is the war our military was built for.

I’d still rather see a peaceful solution. Not sure how you can reach that point when NK just killed 46 SK sailors and has the balls to go on the news acting like SK is the aggressor though.

Last i knew, China was none to thrilled with North Koreas Missile activity of last year. Why would china side with the north when they depend on us so much, and vice versa.

It was a bit strange that this wasn’t HUGE news when it happened.

the only thing i could see being good is possibly reducing our dependence on china.

I’m not very worried, although N Korea has a huge army they are operating on a Pre-Korean War mentally, as well as not having the industrial resources to maintain a “total war” with S Korea.

Let’s face it, N Korea is going to pull some dumb move, S Korea is going to say “Hey! Cut the fucking shit!” and then the US and NATO forces are going to come in with precision guided bombs and seal teams, wipe out any trace of civilization and political power and then BAM, the “Korean War” will be over.

I don’t think China is as “buddy buddy” with N. Korea as they are scared of them. In the torpedoing of the S. Korea ship, all China said was it was “unfortunate”. Everyone except N. Korea knows that they were at fault.

I would think China would welcome North Korea’s weakening, as opposed to regime building power. Not exactly a stable government in play.

This will get interesting.