January 30, 2009, 8:19am
anything under 500 lbs in the front tends to sag past the “sweat spot” in the suspension hight even with the purch at the top of the sleeve.(the kits come with 6 inch long springs unless you ask for something different) for dd…with the 550lb springs in the rear, you still have a lower Hz number in the rear so the car is hard to rotate, for autoX you would want something more like a 700lb spring, this will help the rear end to come around in trail braking or ttos. Or what ive come to undestand thus far. Its been verified by quite a few people running the setup. The springs i want to go with are actually a little shorter than the 6 inches in the front and 9 in the rear because im not going 400/600. My car is setup for more autocross where yours is probably drag so your probably stiff in the front.
Right, but use the coil to adjust ride height, not the spring length. Softer springs need to be taller (obviously) than stiffer springs. GC knows this back and forth for Civics, tell them what rates you want and they’ll give you the proper height.