KTFO'd @ Kissing bridge today...


so today is my first time on the mountain in almost two years.ck is…and im killin it as usual(joke lol)…i do a decent standard 3 over KB’s siq new table cross the slope and start to slow down when WHAM! snowboarder takes my feet right out from under me sending me onto my upper back/lower head area, knocking the wind out of me, and giving me a concussion. i spend about 20-30 seconds trying to get my breath back and just black out. im out for a minute or so(felt like 10) and snap back to attention to tell the boarder nice hit(havent been hit like that since HS football) back is sore, neck a little too, but i dont have a headache, so it wasnt a terrible concussion. time to get in the hottub and relieve this pain.

–cliffs. snowboarder+my legs=head slamming snow and KTFOing myself.

moral to the story…
:ham: (should have had mine on)

Welcome back.


back for good? or just the holiday? did you drive back or fly?..

helmets… haha… why do you think i’m moving to florida?

suck it up pussy, no stitches no care. i ragdolled it a few times my first day out, looked like a garage sale after i stopped flipping down the hill.

glad your okay, winter sporting is always dangerous.

lol thanks guys. got back last night.

just for the holidays. for now. but looks like it may be permanent for the time being(i cant let myself let my dad try and take care of his house alone)

thats why im back. he had a heart issue monday and was admitted to ECMC shortly there after from trying to shovel out the driveway.

and wear your helmets! ill be wearing mine from now on…again:bloated:

I was boarding two years ago when some girl took me out. Ouch it still hurts.

fucking snowboarders

and this is why i insist on wearing a helmet when on the mountain. noobs that run into you can seriously hurt you.

No one wore helmets before the stoned retards on snowboards hit the hill.

Alta FTW. (no stoners, I mean snowboarders allowed)

In the boarders defense, it was an innocent occurrance, and it was one of the knowledgable riders too. Chris happened to be in a bad spot, at a bad time, sort of both parties equally fucked up. Chris was in the landing (which in hindsight was surely a bad, and blind spot), but the boarder also didn’t check the landing.

It was a wicked collision though! And all was well, no hard feelings between either partys, and shit happens.

And AWDrifter, Taos gave in, will be allowing boarders at the end of March. I have nothing against boarders either as the good boarders are cool, and chill and just as stoked to be out as I. It’s the little punk-shit talkers that piss me off.

I am actually planning a trip to Taos this year, before the end of March of course.:stuck_out_tongue:
No hard feelings, I just like picking on those little punks.
We all know that if skiing was easy it would be called snowboarding.:poke:

I landed on some kid my first day out in the park last year.

He was standing right over the landing where I coudln’t see him. I definitely checked the landing cuz it was my first hit of the season and I was even being careful. I landed on his back, he fell down, I rode away, no one got hurt luckily.

See thread about the Wovel.