lady problems.

i again…why is this a lady problem? you seem to have it under control…if a girl is going to act crazy say see ya later

:gotme: why couldnt u resist? it wasnt too terribly funny

didnt bother to read the whole thread huh? welcome to a day ago. lol :tup:

would you have if u just saw the thread now at 11 pages?

Nope, but I would have just skipped it all together (although this thread was definitely funny). :slight_smile:

why ask why?

yes, kyle its a fucking good time. thread of the year so far

I thought for sure you were dating nick…

guess i was mistaken

I like steaks. Not mistakes.

edit: Holy Shit, better get ready to get hit on by every desperate guy here…

Were not dating just seeing each other. I know what you guys are thinking but we just dont want to be boyfriend and girlfriend right now.

this is boring. might as well lock the thread before it’s totally ruined

haha like the girl I was seeing

We didnt want to be b/f and g/f. Mostly because she was married…

I giggled its what everone was thinking, even though it wasn’t true. Im sure they both talk about doing it when shes not around.

No not like we will date just not right now.

I dont know why, but I have a way with older married ladies…

I wouldnt doubt

both these posts have my laughing my ass off. thread not funny my ass. this thread was the most fun i’ve had on the internet since the jailbait thread.

it’s gone downhill and past it’s prime. let’s lock it while it still has an ounce of respect left in it.

ROFL i haven’t seen this one yet

no way… suck it dry of respect!!!


X1000 this thread is legendary