lady problems.

pics of who???

i’ve known dawn for years. the first time i met her at a friend of a friend’s, she was taking up two thirds of a 3 person couch.


fucking LOL

Oh we are talking about Dawn?

lol she went out with fuzzy for dinner once? that must have been an awkward site to see…

fuzzy----> I (_) <------dawn

he had to put a new passenger side suspension in on his wagon.

ROFL… fuck i wish this thread exploded like this while i was at work, woulda made time go by way quicker

Hey fat chicks need loving too… just don’t tell your friends

Yea, I’m still at work. I need to go home. This thread will still be around when I get back… :frowning:

But it did make the day go by quickly. cheers to that :headbang:

I dont know what to say to all this but I dont think Im going to any nyspeed meets… I dont want to know what you guys would think of me.


they would probably be completely over critical of you, then masturbate thinking about you later… all while telling their friends they are gonna bone you…

typical male stuff

spot on…

Thats nice to know…

yea, i could have used this during the first 2 hours of history class. the last hour of class was good though.

i <3 dawn. it’s just hard because there’s so much there to be <3’ing.


Carless who is your boyfriend?

I dont have a boyfriend, Why??

Oh, I genuinely thought you were someones girlfriend and that’s why you signed up. SHRUG

No I live with focusinprogress and kevin716. Thats how I got into nyspeed.

lol i couldn’t resist.

hahaha hahaha eff you!!!