pretty cool vid I must say.
Pretty impressive, or the bike driver just sucked.
i dont see how it was even that close in the straights…160hp bike? fucking crazy fast…
and at the end when they shook hands while still driving/riding, i can’t imagine ever being that confident riding so close to a car, or driving so close to a bike…
pretty neato
i wonder who insures this show…
“hey, let’s race a Lambo vs. a Bike on the track, side by side… it’ll be sweet”
that’s just crazy dangerous
was anyone else waiting for rick atsely to pop up
wow. crazy race.
awsome vid!
Contact patch FTW.
I was thinking the same thing! From a non-rider perspective anyway.
:tup: very entertaining vid
Europe is much better about things like that than North America. People are not as quick to call a Lawyer. I think there is a “well you are an idiot, what do you expect” ruling that they hand out there.
reminds my of lampoons european vacation when clark griswold runs into the biker…LOL