Lamin-X Films


2 months ago I got new fog lights because both of mine had cracked. The ones I had on the car were my second set. Since I was ordering a 3rd set, I figured I’d invest in some protective films so I wouldn’t have to keep buying fog lights.

So I did some searching and came across Lamin-X. I got the thickest possible films I could (40 mil). In the package, I got two headlight films, and two fog lights films as well as a squeegee and a spray bottle. Sounds like a sweet package for $80 right? Right.

The install went just fine. The instructions were easy to follow. I let the fog light sit for a day and a half prior to installation to make sure the films were on good.

I put the fog lights on the car and drove the car for about 2 weeks. I then noticed that not one, but BOTH of my fog lights were cracked again (who knows, it could have happened the day I installed them, but I noticed the damage after about 2 weeks). Those films? Yeah, they didn’t do jack shit.

I emailed the company and made my case that I 1) wanted them to pay for new fog lights or 2) give me a full refund. I got neither. What they wanted to do was send me new films. So what? I could put them on busted fog lights? What the hell is the point of that? They wouldn’t budge, and I believe I was MORE than civil with them seeing as I was the one being shafted here by a BS warranty policy. Their product clearly did not do what it was intended for. What other warranty proof do I need? I even sent them like 5 high-res pictures.

I told them I’d post this on every forum I could. Here it is. Stay away from that company. Their product is useless, and for $80 I expected something good. Now I’m out $120 (cost of fogs), and $80 (cost of films which are completely useless). My fogs aren’t even 3 months old.

Learn from my mistake.

Well, that really sucks man. Maybe you can make something from a piece of plexi glass?

Here is pics of the fogs with the film installed:

Here is their last reply to my email:

Uhh as far as I know laminX was more for protection the glas from dings/scratches and also they have the Smoked Lamin-X for people who want to smoke their lenses…

Thats a common problem with those foglights, lamnix will not prvent them from cracking due to defects or nissans shitty glass… I have a nissan ask me how I know…

They prevent chips and protect the glass itself, you were i nthe wrong to think a sticky peice of thick plastic will keep them from cracking…

That being said I love Lamin-X and im sure FN Skanks and J at gearhead will both agree… the kit was nice, came with everything and petes smoked headlights and when he does his fogs will look sweet

The look is probably fine but they specifically say on their site:

“What it is
Our Headlight & Fog Light Covers are an adhesive-
backed protective film that applies directly your lenses.
These impact-resistant films are designed to protect
from the day-to-day abuse that your lenses take.”

Day-to-day abuse would include getting the fog light slammed by a small rock at 60mph and instead of the light cracking, it would be safe. No?

I got the thickest ones they made for that reason.

I’m sure the smoked films look great, but it still doesn’t help me seeing as they claim it prevents damage. It doesn’t.

Doesn’t Matt have a yellow film set on his Maxima? Idk if his crack or not.
I also looked into Lamin-x for my car, but more for the nose, for rock chip protection, its UNREAL how expensive it is. Then I saw the 80 dollar tag on the two tiny pieces for just fogs? F that man. 10.99 shipped for those, not a dollar more. Theyre tiny pieces.

It does prevent damage… it will keep the glass from scrathing/chipping and getting nasty grit on them that makes you have to polish them

A piece of plastic is not going to keep glass from cracking, it wasnt laminx fault it cracked like that… stop being so thick headed

I love people that dont read warranties and then spam web forums about it.

How is that little piece of plastic supposed to stop a rock from breaking your foglights? What did you expect them to do? If you put saran wrap on your face and someone punched you in the face it would still break your face.

I have yellow Lamin-x on my foglights. On my race car. The front of it gets pounded with gravel and debris at 140mph. The foglight lenses havent broken yet but if I hit something big enough, they will, no matter how thick the plastic film is on the outside.

thats like putting a condom on and saying it will keep your dick from bending…

Sure it will keep the nasty grit from some skank off… but if you hit top early your cocks still going to break…

A piece of plastic is not going to change the ammount of force that is exerted on a piece of glass at a given point to keep it from cracking… It will keep it from dinging it up… it will keep glass from falling all over the road… but a piece of plastic is not going to magicly change the properties of the glass to make it stronger

Dude. lol. How is it not their fault? I worked in retail. I know all about warranty’s, etc.

They clearly state it’s impact resistant. I bought it because I wanted it to resist impact so my fog lights wouldn’t crack. Again. Yet, they still did.

Would you not call that false advertising? It’s not my fault they described their product incorrectly. I think I more than have a case for getting a refund/new fogs. The f’in film is as thick as 3 or 4 quarters. It’s not that thin man. It’s not the invisible film you put on the front end of a car to protect the paint. It’s WAY thicker.

Do you guys even know what the hell I’m talking about?

Imact resistant means resitant to the glass itself… Like I said it keeps the rock from making direct contact with the glass causing it to chip scratch whatever… it does not mean it repels rocks off like luke skywalker… your an ignorant ass if you think this piece of plastic wraps the foglight in a soft cushy bubble…

i don’t know how you drive, or if nissan fogs just suck that badly, but my headlight has a similar crack in it because i went offroading after i lost a steering wheel and ran over some shrubs/small trees. i don’t think lamix should be held responsible for cracks of that magnitude, if its just rocks hitting it from normal driving, and that is already your 3rd set, there is something fucked with the foglight construction. and lamin-x is really just so you can have a cool looking color on your shit with having the option to go back to normal.

It’s not hard plastic. It’s malleable. It’s supposed to take the chip. And according to their instructions, it’s self-healing. My ass.

Impact resistant. Resistant. Meaning it will resist dirt and sand flying through the air. It cannot alter the laws of physics and defeat flying rocks like Thor.

Yes I know exactly what your talking about

Anyway…I’m just letting you all know it’s not worth the money. That is all. Take my advice or leave it. Up to you. If you buy it, it ain’t my money. Good luck if you ever develop a chip or crack :rofl.


Stop bitching dude, it dident do what you want, thats not the companys fault its your fault for thinking a thick piece of laminx is going to make your fog light glass 10x stronger than a diamond… and then blame them for your thick headedness, cut your losses and deal with cracking fog lights…

High five, Shady. Who else has a problem we can solve?

Its very worth the money for day to day dirt and debris that gunk up lights and make them look gritty and nasty… also if u like the smoked look that htey offer…

But most people buying a product like this know its not going to keep a decent sized rock from fuckin shit up

I hear benny as extra cash flow he doesnt know what to do with? :rofl