Landlord rights?

I own a duplex which i live in.My tenants just moved out of state yesterday to Oregon.They had there rental truck packed to the brim.

He left a decent Push mower and grill here in the garage.Other then that the other small items left inside hold no real value.

Im having a hard time finding tenant-landlord rights for the state of ny online. I know if he abandoned the property(not telling me) then i believe i would have to hold his stuff for 30 days but i read that if he just moves out with my knowledge he no longer has the rights to the stuff he left behind.

Hes quite clearly not going to come back and drive back to oregon for a grill and mower.I just dont want someone coming to my house and saying “hey ( blank) called and said i can have his mower”.

Things ended on a sour note.He expected his security deposit back on the day he moved out.I told him no thats not how it works. I still needed to walk through it and I have to make sure that he dosent dump me with the remaining utility bills.The guy was almost in tears.

Id just like to cover myself in the legal aspect

Any thoughts or a good source of info?

Who cares if he left on bad terms. Ask him if he will be taking the mower & grill or if he is arranging for someone to come get them. He has 30 days.

make sure you send him a certified letter with itemized reports on every dollar of security you are keeping, you only have a certain amount of time to do this. My father has apartments and he never had done this before just told the tenants in person what he was keeping and why. Some assholes took him to court because they wanted all there security back so they waited until the time limit and filed court papers, in the end my father lost because he didnt send a letter even though they admitted he told them what he wanted to keep the money for.

What if i do send him a letter of the items he left,he then asks a friend to pick them up.Would i need written permission from him to let someone else pick them up?
Whats to keep him from saying he left his 60" plasma here as well? I know this guys moved out of state and i doubt there would ever be any legal recourse but im just wondering for future.

Im just curious because there might be issues.He left a note saying he wanted his pro-rated amount back.Since he left on the 20th he expects to be compensated for the other 10 days in the month even though he was paying month to month. I planned on just giving him his deposit back and not giving him those extra 10 days credit.

I asked a friend who has lots of rental property and he said this: I

f he was on a month to month lease and left before the month he paid for was finished that’s his problem. It was month to month. Not week to week. He should of worked something out before paying for the last month if he knew he wasn’t staying the whole month.

Contact him about his leftover possessions and tell him to work out shipping arrangements or having a certain person pick them up by a certain date (a month would be reasonable) or tell him your putting them on the curb. A certified letter with signed delivery confirmation is the way to go. Don’t say you will keep the possessions, say your moving them to the curb. What happens at that point is his problem. (obviously you keep them!)

two birds…one stone…

keep deposit for removal costs of abandoned property

like said above he has no rights to a prorated rate on a month to month rental agreement…particularly if there is no rental agreement. That said i wouldn’t do much of anything with the property left behind until you have verified that he is not getting it or giving it away until the month is over. technically he still has rights to the place until the end of the month so you shouldn’t be removing his stuff until that time.