Laptop financing? less than steller credit

Yeah, so we (or most of us) have all made mistakes in the past with credit. Be it credit cards or whatever. Anyway, because my credit isn’t exactly top notch (but not too bad either), I find it hard to get a place like Dell to finance me a computer (just a bare bones laptop for misc crap). I really don’t want to pay cash as I’d rather keep the $$$ in my pocket as I just lent out $700.00, not to mention the heafty down payment I just put on the GTO when I got it so I don’t like the idea of dwindling down my savings any more than I already have. Seeing as how a bare laptop would run on average about 40.00 a month for 12/mo, I don’t see why they’re standards are so high with 'em but whatever.

So, has anyone with less than perfect credit financed a laptop/desktop thru a company that deals with that kind of thing? I’d just say f’ it and sell my desktop in favor of a laptop, but at the same time… I do need the desktop for work related stuff as it’s better at handling 3d (assuming the laptop will be using a cheesy video card).

I found this place but not sure on how credible they are. Has anyone delt with them or a similar company?

edit: just saw that they want an average monthly payment for a WEEKLY payment… fuck that

Umm looking at the first page and specs…you end up paying $1600 for a $600 laptop lol

why not just buy it on a credit card?

Why not just wait until you can afford it?

It sounds like you WANT a laptop and don’t NEED one…wait till you have the $$$


Why not just wait until you can afford it?



Unless you’re starting a business where there is a real need for the laptop, it’s just a luxury purchase that should be saved up for, and paid for with cash.

And if it’s a business you can write it off as an expense on your taxes, like I did for a ton of purchases in 06. :slight_smile:


Why not just wait until you can afford it?


because I could use it for work with a new project thats coming up (it’ll make my life a whole lot easier being able to bring my work to meetings, versus trying to explain things/showing stuff on paper).

I mean, I can buy it outright if I wanted to, but I’d rather just make small monthly payments instead.

I would do credit card but thats crazy high intrest for the amount of time I’d like to finance it… at that point I might as well buy it (not that the above link is much better)

just figured I’d see if anyone here has delt with any companies that specialize in this type of thing


because I could use it for work with a new project thats coming up (it’ll make my life a whole lot easier being able to bring my work to meetings, versus trying to explain things/showing stuff on paper).

I mean, I can buy it outright if I wanted to, but I’d rather just make small monthly payments instead.

I would do credit card but thats crazy high intrest for the amount of time I’d like to finance it… at that point I might as well buy it (not that the above link is much better)

just figured I’d see if anyone here has delt with any companies that specialize in this type of thing


Why wouldn’t your employer provide one if it is for work ?

Ill give you credit. Ill pay for it, you pay me back. I doubt you will like my interest rates though…

becuase they’re cheep :smiley: actually I did bring it up, but they didn’t seem too enthused about it. I even suggested them just debiting $$$ out of my check each month for a DELL but haven’t heard anything back on it so I assume that it’s a no go aswell :tdown:

maybe I’ll hit the bank up for a small personal loan. I don’t mind paying a little intrest as it’s worth the convenience

You need to find a place that has no interest no payments for a certain period of time.

For Example…

Circuity City

That way you could pay $175 a month and not get nailed with the interest.

wait for a dell laptop to show up on and pay for it cash.

Joel just got a dual core amd laptop with all the goodies for 599 shipped.

If it’s really just for work, and work won’t pay for it, fuck it. If it takes you longer to show people stuff at work because they won’t get you a laptop, then it takes you longer. They pay you for an 8 hour day, how much you get done in that 8 hours is dependant on them giving you the tools you need.

But, my guess is that’s more of an excuse you’re using to justify financing a new toy. :wink:

I bought a Toshiba for myself/work, walked into bestbuy with cash but they gave me a CC offer I couldnt refuse… mabye try there?


You need to find a place that has no interest no payments for a certain period of time.

For Example…

Circuity City

That way you could pay $175 a month and not get nailed with the interest.


he wouldn’t be eligible because of lackluster credit


If it’s really just for work, and work won’t pay for it, fuck it. If it takes you longer to show people stuff at work because they won’t get you a laptop, then it takes you longer. They pay you for an 8 hour day, how much you get done in that 8 hours is dependant on them giving you the tools you need.

But, my guess is that’s more of an excuse you’re using to justify financing a new toy. :wink:


lol don’t get me wrong, I do want it for my own personal needs aswell. :smiley:

But I’m going to be heading up a project that involves 20 seperate projects/applications for a new product (each involving around a few hundred parts). With jugling that, it’d be nice to have the laptop to take notes at meetings, along with keeping track of whats being done and who’s working on what to ensure that everyhing goes smoothly. I have a tendancy to jot stuff down on paper which ends up a huge pile of notes and paper thats hard to go thru to find the info I need at times.

shit… maybe I will just bite the bullet and buy one out right

Just steal one from a UB library. Preferably with amateur nude pics on the hdd.


Sometimes there are REALLY good deals there.

thanks for the heads up :tup: I’ll look around on there

and damn justin, your brother got a SMOKING deal