Last American Troops Leave Iraq

Save it for PM’s.

From two days ago

Roger that, 2-3 Alpha out:tbu

Are we still sticking to the promise of no ground troops in Libya?

Damn straight!

^this! It is just a matter of time before they self destruct. I say let them IF they attack again…Just nuke them off the map and call it an act of God.

Got out as a team leader ?

Pitman called me a bitch. Not appreciated, he also called a mod a bitch. Why isn’t he banned?

A little more than that, I was just dickin around…

Bryan is the mannnnnnnnn , let’s leave it at that .

I wasnt poking fun, just asking.


Oh I know dude, no worries:tbu


Too many people/businesses have direct interest in us having some kind of warfare going on at any point in time.

We will always find something.

Some may remember the classic government mantra towards budgets “if you don’t use it, you lose it”

Our next war will be with either North Korea or Iran.

On a side note a good friend of mine who whose a marine did two tours in Iraq and two in Afganistan. Is leaving in a week or two to go back to Afganistan for a private security job… making big $$$$$

Mercenaries make really good $ over there.

Don’t worry we still got a number of unspecified wars that can’t ever be won to throw money on.

War on drugs, war on terror and war on cancer, etc.

They can’t end those wars because what would happen if all illegal drugs and terrorism were done completely? LOTS of job loss.

were not going to be pulling out of afghanistan for awhile… believe that… were gonna be in Iran in no time… ive already been told that when i go over there in january that i will be going on missions to iraq, iran, afghanistan, jordan, kuwait … pretty much where ever the shit hits the fan in the middle east my unit will be there to react and clean it up…

Werd, a friend of mine has told me he’s getting sent back over to Afghanistan shortly after the next presidential election. So they’re not planning to take anyone out of there for at least a year.

Ironic isn’t it that getting rid of one evil creates other?

If for nothing else, win those wars but keep the people employed to twiddle their thumbs.


Unless your in bat or sf you wont be bouncing around country to country.

Did your Drill Sgt tell you that? What unit are you in?