Late Christmas Present from friend :tup:


it mikes so well with ANYTHING … you don’t taste it when you mix it with something … just smell

have fun lol, had this shit in vegas… uhh u will get so fucked up

The “original” grain alcohol product, Everclear enjoys tremendous brand recognition and a loyal, near cult-status, following.

my friend lives in south carolina and every time he comes up here he brings me the bigger bottle. everclear is the shit, we use it for everything booze related from mixed drinks to jello shots.

hahah me too mixed with 151 and a slushy. drank 4 of them then tore my rotator cuff falling on the curb!!!


pukey pukey

that shit tastes so bad, and fucks your system up like cheap vodka

makes awesome fireshows tho :slight_smile:


Ah memories.