Late Christmas Present from friend :tup:

I haven’t yet decided if this is just a great gift…or an attack on my health…

…you be the judge i guess

Well hey if you don’t want that… lol. I’ve never had everclear. How bad is it?

Holy fuck. That shit will fuck you up. My friends and I had a big ass bottle of that a few years back. No one could handle it. Shit made me crazy drunk. My friend took one shot of it, and couldn’t stop puking for like 15 minutes. Tears you up.

Be careful!

NICE…but I want pics of you drinking it and the hilarity that ensues!

my friend got his late xmas gift from me today.
all i got him was a 10deep yachtmaster hoodie.
that he will probably spill something on, and that could potentially be hazardous to his health.

it’s got more warnings on it than jenna jameson’s vagina…


2 - WARNING!! Overconsumption may endanger your health. (a sugar coated “this shit can and may kill you”)

and at the bottom:

3 - CAUTION: Do not apply to open flame. Keep away from fire, heat, and open flame. Contents may ignite or explode. Do not comsume in excessive quantities. Not intended for consumption unless mixed with non-alcoholic beverage.

i kinda get the idea that this stuff and fire don’t get along too well…

i usually don’t drink around candles, and i dont smoke…so that doesn’t frighten me…

blindness and loss of the ability to have children may be a concern of mine when drinking this stuff though

How much is a bottle of that shizzle?

the price sticker on it was $15.95, and it’s a 750ml bottle…aka .75 liters.

i dont think you can get it in NY though…i think 150 proof is the limit NYS set on their liquors…dont know where i heard that…but it makes since…how often do you see something stronger than Bacardi 151 for sale around here?

best way to drink that is with mountain dew…it’s not really expensive maybe 25$ for that bottle

ugh, taking shots of that shit is like drinking gasoline.

pour some in your gas tank.

you can get everclear in NYS if you have access to the niagara falls air base

and everclear aint that bad, ive slammed it straight out of the bottle many times before

minisrt4 and intense98rt can vouch for that

i read somewhere that a bottle of this stuff, one of the big jugs of pink gatorade (i dont know if it’s the gallon bottle, the 2 litre, or whatever the biggest single bottle of gatorade you can get is), and a can or two of red bull all mixed together makes a mean punch

reminds me of the time about 5 years ago when a buddy handed me a bottle of vodka from poland…i accidentaly saw the word “proof” when it was really “percent”…and the number was 90…and i just tipped the bottle back like it was a beer…and burnt and coughed for a good 10 minutes straight after that…

Hmmm… “chug, chug, chug…”

I need to get me some of that lol. I am actualy in the mood for Sambuka. (sp)

so ive had just 190 proof whatever it was… but im out… where can i get more?

well since most of us dont have access to the navy air base…you can prob check out the website i just noticed at the bottom of the bottle…

Just thinking about this shit is making my stomach sore and my throat burn. It’s one of those feelings you never forget.

I had a aquaintence that drank a 375ml bottle. He had half of it from Port something (just south of Huston) to Corpus Christis (2 hr drive). Then when he arrived in Corpus he put the last half of the bottle in a beer bong mixed with rum and coke. This would have knocked most people out, but he wanted to drive and go clubbing.

Another time we had a bitchy girly male friend that rarely drank and he was going around “wow I’m drunk”:mamoru:. So to shut him up we put 3 shots in with a blue hawian and told him to pound it. 30 minutes later all was peace and quite again.

you know all those fucked up pics on the internet of people with couches on them and marker drawn on thier face with dicks pointing to thier mouth?

this is why

$11 bucks through AAFES, lots of times people just buy it to strip stain off boats, its ummm quite rought. and like all high proof liquors drink some of it… and it’ll hit you out of no where…

DON’T drink it with orange juice… three drinks and you’ll feel the worst burning sensation in your stomach that you have ever felt