Late forwork.

guy is crazy

Thats simalar to the guy that was video taped by the police.

: It all started because of a neighbor of the punk kid, Couldn’t get sleep in morning. The Punk kid would start off w/ a brakestand everyday. The police were notified and began survallance (SP?)

a week and half goes by, the Police followed him to work everyday ( unmarked sedan cruiser ) would do 55+ on a residental street.

To sum it up. The police charged the kid w/ numerous shit in the end. The Kid typical- drive to work took under 10 min., A JOE BLOW would have taken 25 min. Great video, shows a decent 5.0L in action too!:eek: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I know :gives:

Originally posted by Shaggy
Thats simalar to the guy that was video taped by the police.

: It all started because of a neighbor of the punk kid, Couldn’t get sleep in morning. The Punk kid would start off w/ a brakestand everyday. The police were notified and began survallance (SP?)

a week and half goes by, the Police followed him to work everyday ( unmarked sedan cruiser ) would do 55+ on a residental street.

To sum it up. The police charged the kid w/ numerous shit in the end. The Kid typical- drive to work took under 10 min., A JOE BLOW would have taken 25 min. Great video, shows a decent 5.0L in action too!:eek: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I know :gives:
:gives: :gives:

Originally posted by Pewterss
:gives: :gives:

i do damnit. but i want to see thevideo not just hear about it damnit

that video is well over 5 years old, I have no idea what it is called.

:frowning: :frowning: :frowning: :frowning: :frowning: