Latin translation?

How do you say “For All Unfinished” in Latin?

or Italian?

I’m thinking maybe I’d rather have a romance language on my back rahtner than stupid English

If nobody on here knows then maybe somebody at a Catholic church would? Probably one of the bigger ones. I’m not sure how many Catholic priests can speak Latin.

italian is " Per Tutto il Non Finito"

in latin “omnis infectis”

one possibility from the gf w/2.5 yrs of latin
its context based because the phrase is fragmented.

yea i figured the possibility of something like that

i need it to be 3 words, as there is a 3 part banner to the design

before i would actually get anything tattooed on my back i would probably try to find a UB professor to make sure it was correct

duh :stuck_out_tongue:

non omnis perfectis


omnis non perfectis

A UB professor gave me a translation of:

“omnibus amissis infectisque”

which translates “For Everything Lost and Unfinished”