Lauren Scruggs walks into spinning aircraft prop

I realize / hope she didnt walk straight into it!

Say its a rear Jet engine… When you get off the plan would you walk around the front or the rear of the plane? You go to the OPPOSITE end of the hazard!

I didnt even see if it was a twin engine or a single front. If it was a front, get out and walk to the back… WELL around the plane if you have to get infront of it at some point. If its a twin engine, get out, stay close to the belly and walk AWAY FROM the engine (based on where the door let you out) of the plane and go well away from the thing. IE if the engine is on the left as you get out of the door, take a hard right and walk 100 paces! :dunno

If it was realllly this hard, thousands of people would get chopped up every hour when a plane took off or landed!