Lauren Scruggs walks into spinning aircraft prop

As a pilot, I couldn’t imagine seeing this happen to someone let alone be the poor soul who made the mistake to begin with. Dad told me about this and I was trying to find a better video. Apparently hit her in the face and shoulder, and took off a good portion of one hand which was later amputated.

Faaaaawking crazy lucky she’s not dead.

that’s fucking horrible

dammmmn… how do you hit a prop? lol, good thing she is getting better thou.

yeah well she lost her hand, so its not that good

atleast she aint dead

exited the plane, engine still running. Apparently it was a “tourist” type flight to view christmas lights from altitude and they were changing passengers. ne article said she was walking around front to shake the pilots hand and well, boom.

I can telly you that even with the maker tips, a spinning prop is hard to see even at idle and if you’re not accustomed to aircraft and have a brain fart you can get in the wrong place real quick. When I was flying quite often I was always nervous with people outside the cockpit and would always shut down if someone was approaching on the tarmac during preflight check and warmup.


It’s typically the First Officers duty to stand by the prop on the entrance/exit side of the aircraft to prevent this from happening.

It’s like walking into something banging you’re head against it. 90% of the time you wouldn’t of done it, but it happens to everyone. Some more than others :lol.

Sadly this wasn’t a low hanging cabinet or something like that, it was a fucking airplane propeller.

I’m around spinning props/rotors on a daily basis and I treat them as lethal objects, because, well, they are. Once I’m within an (un)reasonable distance from them, nothing gets more of my attention than that spinning object.

That is crazy, but shes quite lucky she lived.

Talk about having your life flipped upside down as a model though.

I’d still hit it.

+rep Singh

My understanding is that as others have said it’s very difficult to see the prop spinning like that, but wouldn’t you hear it making a ton of noise?

Awful situation she’s in regardless, especially for someone who’s livelihood is based upon their looks

AHh it was night time, would make it even harder to see it.

Its night time at an airport she probably assumed it was just noise from other aircraft etc not really thinking 100% after just enjoying whatever it was she was doing and it just happend.

Call me what ever but I dont feel bad at all.

Children at the age of 3 understand where ever the engine is located, is where the prop is. I would have to think an ADULT would understand this even more and not go even remotly close to the AREA in which the engine/prop is located on the plane! Common sense.

Do you look down the barrel of a cannon? NO, you know what could be inside there and where it comes out!!! Dont go near it and you have a 100% chance of NOT getting your face smashed in with a cannon ball, or in this case lopping off your hand/almost your head!

One of those time I really don’t agree with you. I doubt she walked directly under the wing towards the prop, she probably went wide to go around the wing but not wide enough and just caught the prop.

SHe just got off the plane, probably just had fun with a ton of family/friends, gets off the plane its dark and noisy, its an airport afterall and just gets caught off guard.

It really doesnt sound like just just walked straight into it.

Glad I wasn’t the only one thinking that LOL

I realize / hope she didnt walk straight into it!

Say its a rear Jet engine… When you get off the plan would you walk around the front or the rear of the plane? You go to the OPPOSITE end of the hazard!

I didnt even see if it was a twin engine or a single front. If it was a front, get out and walk to the back… WELL around the plane if you have to get infront of it at some point. If its a twin engine, get out, stay close to the belly and walk AWAY FROM the engine (based on where the door let you out) of the plane and go well away from the thing. IE if the engine is on the left as you get out of the door, take a hard right and walk 100 paces! :dunno

If it was realllly this hard, thousands of people would get chopped up every hour when a plane took off or landed!

who knows man, shes a woman and even if there is a ton of noise coming from that propeller I bet you its thought of like “all that noise from inside the airplane motor” or some shit like that, girls are so bad with basic understanding of mechanics and physics its unreal so i wouldn’t doubt that she didnt think too hard about the propeller.

who knows, all i know is thats really a shame and it sucks alot

You honestly post some of the most ignorant shit, you’ve never walked into something and hit your head before? For fucks sake she made a mistake and for you to say you dont feel bad at all is absurd.

KK, I hope one of the bags on that s10 blow out when you are standing next to it and it crushes your foot
