law abiding citizen

saw a preview on TV, looks pretty damn good, the plot at least

Looks like a good movie!!! nice avitar!

Yeah that does look good.

this movie does look good

Its kinda like “Eagle Eye” but with ballz!

yeah, that movie looks good

I m looking forward to seeing his BIG TIME, finally action/thriller that actually looks worth going to see

yeah, it definitely looks good

It appears that the general consensus, as cleverly implied by member “LKSi”, is that the movie “Law Abiding Citizen” will, in fact, be a visually aurally, intellectually, and emotionally satisfying moviefilm.

Umm nothing seems to resembly eagle eye from that preview…

Anyways when it first started i was like fuckkkk its just gonna be another version of taken just a little more fucked up…

i was wrong… looks bad ass

Looks like Death Sentence, but better.

Death Sentence has become one of my favorite movies ever as of a month ago!!

Can’t wait to see Law Abiding Citizen, looks killer